Filter Facebook Game request in People Hub?


New member
Dec 27, 2011
How do I filter out Facebook game request from the People Hub? I have several friends, who it seem like all they do is play these games and I get hundreds of requests from them which pretty much makes the People Hub useless. I've filter these request in Facebook, but People Hub seems to ignore the filters. How can I get the People Hub to ignore these request, other then de-friending these people....which I may do!!!

How do I filter out Facebook game request from the People Hub? I have several friends, who it seem like all they do is play these games and I get hundreds of requests from them which pretty much makes the People Hub useless. I've filter these request in Facebook, but People Hub seems to ignore the filters. How can I get the People Hub to ignore these request, other then de-friending these people....which I may do!!!


You can't filter them from the hub. You can do it from the Facebook page though. If you click the dropdown on the top right of the notification in your newsfeed, it'll give you an option to ignore apps. There's an option to block all app requests, but I can't remember where I did that.
Anyway.. Bottom line is: You need to do it from the facebook website.
I've done this in Facebook and the requests DO NOT show up in Facebook, but they do show up in the People Hub. It's as if the phone ignores the filter/blocking.

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