It doesn't, but Adobe have stated that it is in the works. We don't know when it will be available yet. Maybe it will be part of the Mango announcements on May 24th.
The advantages are something you need to kind of experience. The overall design of the OS is, to me, the most satisfying out there. The tiles didn't impress me when I first saw photos of wp7, but I could never go back to the palm cousin layouts of iOS/Android ever again. Metro UI is absolutely beautiful, and the way you flow through information makes much more sense to me than all my previous platforms (all of them). The responsiveness is extremely well done, and it fly's on 2gen old hardware (current devices) with no stuttering or slowdown. The integration is also top notch (for what is there so far). The Mango software update is bringing a TON of new features, and is easily the biggest mobile OS update ever so don't let people throw you with 'lacking features' as this is changing very shortly. New hardware will come out around this update as well.
Keep reading up on it if you are interested, but I highly recommend just playing with one, or at least watching some videos on it. It really is a fresh new take on mobile, and it really works. MS took a risk and I think it will pay off.