I want to know about how to activate flash for call, sms on my lumia720...... Or any application which I need to download for flashlight
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Sent from my RM-885_im_india_249 using Tapatalk
Can you explain again what you are looking for? You need a flashlight. You can search the store and find lots of free apps for that. It will use the camera flash to light the space beyond where you hold your phone.
But calls and texting? Your screen is lit up even in the dark so you can seek the keys, yes? Do you want the flashlight to illuminate the phone?
I want to know about how to activate flash for call, sms on my lumia720...... Or any application which I need to download for flashlight
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Soo it will be avilable in future or not
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You're looking for a way to get the flashlight to light up when you get a call and SMS? Sadly, Windows Phone doesn't do that, I believe that's an iPhone exclusive feature, sorry mate.
I have no idea about future. :wink:
means its due to lack of hardware in wo or just a software problem
Is their any other phone ditto like l720 but with 1gb ram.......i really need it
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I have seen this future in a micromax of my friend. But it looks awkward when u r talking and the flash blinks every second which bring unwanted attention of others or distract others.
Personally, I detest that feature. I get having an LED on the front, but having to see a coworker's iPhone flash out of the corner of my eye during a meeting, or in a theatre, I want to smack them. WP8 has the low-power screen on thing, does it not?