Flashlight stuck on!!

Sounds like its been damaged, perhaps by water.
You're pretty much looking at a repair job I think.
Try placing the phone in a bag of rice for 24 hours, that'll remove any moisture. Failing that, a repair shop.

May have gotten slightly wet but surprising such a little moisture could do that. Anyway to dry out?

Nah, I doubt that's the cause in your case, I just saw it happen before when a friend's iPhone 4 took a bath.

Might be a bit late for drying, depending, but either way I think there's some electrical malfunction or something.
Strange. I let the battery die all the way to shutoff. And then let it sit for hours. The light stayed on! I guess this 1020 has a heck of a deserve battery...hoping someone has an idea on how to get it off..
Ok thanks. I wonder if its gonna burn out the light bulb...ita just the small one, not the big xenon light

It's certainly possible, depending on the hardware. I've seen warnings on some phones (like a Galaxy) to not leave it on above half-an-hour or something like that.

But either way, something's broke inside.

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