FM Radio?


New member
Oct 9, 2014
Just trying to get an idea of the level of interest for this function.

If the FM radio was actually useable in this phone to listen to OTA radio, how many people would use it?

I know I would. I miss my FM radio on my old Droid X2.

I know, a lot of people will say "Just use Spotify, Pandora, etc..", but I don't have unlimited data or a bottomless wallet to pay for the data that burns through.

An FM radio is handy for real-time weather updates, traveling in new locals, other uses.

Just thought I would ask, maybe if we could get enough people to jump in, maybe HP would listen and enable it, even if just in a "developer" mode.
I used the FM Radio much more than I ever used office. I'd be happier if they removed Word, Excel and PowerPoint to make room for features I actually find useful on a phone. I hurt more from Me Tile, Photosynth, QR Scanner, Groups, Kids Corner and Rooms though. If they take the start screen with live tiles, hardware camera button and word flow keyboard, I'd have nothing left to like. It looks like I'm going to have to be happy with my 930 until something better comes around. That McLaren looked to have been awesome.
Nice to have for bragging rights and emergencies but most of the time I use tunein.

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