Focus USB Cable


New member
Dec 25, 2011
I've been having a LOT of problems with getting my Focus to sync with Zune, either it wouldn't be recognized at all or it would pick up for a second and then lose the phone. After some troubleshooting, I came up with the USB cable being the problem.

(the troubleshooting was using the USB cable that came with my son's Focus S instead of the original one - worked perfectly)

So, now I need a new USB cable, so I have two questions:

One - When I downloaded and installed the Mango update, I was told in no unspecific terms that I HAVE to use the original USB cable that came with the phone. If I get a new one, will I lose the ability to update my phone?

Two - If the answer to my first question is 'no', will I be best served by going to my carrier (AT&T) to get a new USB cable or will any old USB - MicroUSB cable work?

I used the micro USB cable that came with my Palm Treo Pro to update my HTC Trophy.
Any standard USB cable will work. I buy extras from and they work great.

Sent from my HD7 using Board Express
There are two kinds of micro USB cables. Charging and Data( which includes charging). Charging only cables are cheaper, and typically what AT&T has in-store, because they have fewer wires. Any good USB Data cable should work on your phone, assuming the phone's USB connector is is not damaged.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express charging and data cables - 72 cents for a 3 foot cable or you can splurge and spend 81 cents for the 6 foot cable. $4.25 per order for shipping so once you've decided to buy you may as well buy a couple of extras. I have no tie to them. I just think they're a bargain and have great service. charging and data cables - 72 cents for a 3 foot cable or you can splurge and spend 81 cents for the 6 foot cable. $4.25 per order for shipping so once you've decided to buy you may as well buy a couple of extras. I have no tie to them. I just think they're a bargain and have great service.

There was a problem with monoprice chargers. They wouldn't charge a Palm Treo Pro or a Palm Pre. There output wasn't what was advertised. This was noted over at TreoCentral.
I didn't realize there were so many cable types. What type does the Focus need? USB to what? Mini-A? Micro-B? Which one is correct?

Who knew this would be so complicated??
There was a problem with monoprice chargers. They wouldn't charge a Palm Treo Pro or a Palm Pre. There output wasn't what was advertised. This was noted over at TreoCentral.

I had an issue as well with a charger from them and they handled it immediately. Never had a problem with any cable.

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