FPS Recommendations


Apr 29, 2015
Hello. :smile:

I have built a new PC that can handle any game that is out there. However, I'm a bit of an old fart and don't like games that I have to be online for, and I'm mostly interested in FPD games. For example, my FAVORITE game is the original Quake and Unreal. I also love Quake II and Unreal II, Bioshock (the entire series), DOOM, F.E.A.R., DeadSpace, and Halo (at least the first two since only those are for PC).

I am only a PC gamer, and I enjoy "old" games and FPS games that I don't necessarily have to be online to play. I don't go online and play with friends. Why? Because I'm WAY too terrible of a game player to compete with anyone! :winktongue:

I don't really keep up with all the new games coming out, but I would be very grateful for suggestions from you all that DO, as far as games similar to the ones I've mentioned above. Please provide me with your suggestions.

I'm more of a winter-time gamer as during non-winter times, I like to be outside doing things. This will give me time to research your suggestions and prepare for making purchases.

Thank you VERY much in advance for your suggestions. I sincerely appreciate it. :smile:
Hey there @kdk25z

Yeah, the Bioshock series had to be my favorite game series, as I still own and play the original game a decade later.

These first few ones will be somewhat newer titles and I'll show some interesting "older" ones below.

For FPS games, Battlefield 1 and Far Cry 3 or 4 are really good ones off the top of my head.

The Battlefield 1 story was really good while having very beautiful graphics to match it.

Far Cry 4 has a different style of gameplay and is a "free roam" open world game, and the speed of the game/story depends on you.

Another one in mind is Titanfall 2 although I haven't played it much and I can't give an open opinion on it. I did really enjoy the first one but it was multiplayer/online only.

There are some great RPG games to consider like "The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt" (personal favorite) and "Skyrim V"

Also there are quite some new titles coming out soon such as Call of Duty: WWII, Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017), and a few other interesting ones being developed through crowdfunding on Kickstarter.

For older titles than what was listed above would be great games like Left 4 Dead 2, Portal 2, Half Life 2, CS:GO etc... basically classic Valve games and maybe a "Serious Sam" game in there.
Thank you for the recommendations. I forgot to mention HalfLife. I have both of them and like everyone else on the planet, I'm waiting for #3 . :-)

Being the old fart that I am, I also still like to play some old DOS games like Crystal Caves, Duke Nukem, and some others of that same era from when most readers of WC weren't even born yet. ;-)

I will definitely check out your suggestions to keep me busy during the darker hours of winter. Thanks again! :-)
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Other than those listed, these are the singleplayer experiences I'm a fan of...

Deus Ex GOTY edition (2000) (old and clunky but worth a try, especially with some mods)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (2011 - this one a good place to start)
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (2015? Sequel to HR, but those two are prequels to the original DX)

Prey (2017)

Dishonored (haven't played Dishonored 2)

All of the above fall into the "immersive sim"/play as you want category.

Also of note...

Black Mesa
Halo: Custom Edition (need to read up on mods and try stuff out like SPV3)

The Nameless Mod (DX Mod, a whole game in itself)
Thank you for your recommendations. I really do appreciate everyone's suggestions as I haven't kept up on games at all for about the past 20 years. My FAVORITE game of all-time is still the original Quake. If there is ever an update on that game like there was on DOOM, oh my GOSH, I am SO totally THERE!!!! :grin:

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