Hi, I am Nati, I developed an app that lets you download and read books and documents on your WP.
-Search for books and documents
-Wide variety of topics available, with a specialty in scientific and research topics and casual reading books.
-Download and keep the books and docs on your device.
-Clean and easy interface.
-Read the books with your favorite reading app.
you can see the app here:
DocSearcher | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)
Thanks! Nati.
-Search for books and documents
-Wide variety of topics available, with a specialty in scientific and research topics and casual reading books.
-Download and keep the books and docs on your device.
-Clean and easy interface.
-Read the books with your favorite reading app.
you can see the app here:
DocSearcher | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)
Thanks! Nati.