[FREE GAME] <Update:28Jul> 7 Pips: Original and exclusive game for wp

Edmund Ching

New member
May 10, 2013
Hi everyone, i have just released an original game for wp. It is currently exclusive to wp and win8 and will be free until end of August.

7 Pips is NOT a clone of Threes or 2048. It may take some visual design cues from those games but this is a original title with original gameplay.

I'm sure we have had it with this platform being a place for "hand me down" games, I can only hope we can have our own breakout game and have other phone users hoping to have that game on their platform instead. I might be shameless to say this, but I hope 7 Pips will be the one. Do help to support this dream.

7 Pips | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)

Check out the WPCentral review here

Here's a poor quality recording of the game played by me:


A Gameplay impression by WPGamesView
Last edited:
Re: Original and exclusive game for wp: 7 Pips is out now

Nice game! There's a bit of a learning curve, and I'm not sure I really get it yet, but it looks like the kind of game I like. Other than perhaps clarifying the instructions, my main suggestion is to be able to turn off the music but keep the sounds.
Re: Original and exclusive game for wp: 7 Pips is out now

Ah yes, I'll keep that in mind in an update!
Re: Original and exclusive game for wp: 7 Pips is out now

Added medias to my initial post for those who refuses to click on another link to take a glance at the game
Re: [FREE GAME] Original and exclusive game for wp: 7 Pips is out now

Tried it, it's rather refreshing and nice smooth animations.
Re: [FREE GAME] Original and exclusive game for wp: 7 Pips is out now

7 Pips Game Impression by WPGamesView

Re: [FREE GAME] Original and exclusive game for wp: 7 Pips is out now

Can someone help me I woke up this morning to check my 1020 and the lock button would not work and the only way I could unlock my phone was by plugging in our unplugging my charger but I know the lock button works because if hold it down it'll ask me to slide to power off but that's not all I also tried to download the new lock screen app and it just says "pending" I tried downloading other aps and it said the same thing I also tried soft reset, connecting to different WiFi networks, making more space, restarting my phone and nothing works also around the same time all this stuff started happening I tried turning off my phone and it wont stay off and sometimes when i plug in the charger to unlock my phone if I unplug it my phone still says its charging even though its not on the charger and my phone has been slow and laggy because of it can anyone help me because I really don't want to hard reset and then still have the same problems
Re: [FREE GAME] Original and exclusive game for wp: 7 Pips is out now

i think you posted this on the wrong thread
Re: [FREE GAME] Original and exclusive game for wp: 7 Pips is out now

If you are sure it's not a hardware/screen issue then it really sounds like the OS is screwed up on yours for some reason. I can only suggest a hard reset, if that still doesnt do it, you may have to bring it to nokia for them to flash the device.

if this is any other device, i would even say that sounds like a virus at work. It sounds like something is running intensively in the background, jamming up all the other processes, but that's just my conjecture.
Re: [FREE GAME] Original and exclusive game for wp: 7 Pips is out now

Thanks people on here are so helpful I love it
Re: [FREE GAME] Original and exclusive game for wp: 7 Pips is out now

grab a copy of 7 pips while you're at it :)
Re: [FREE GAME] Original and exclusive game for wp: 7 Pips is out now

a new update is now available!

game can be resumed now! plus various other bug fixes. And the Game is STILL FREE!
Thanks man. Though the game is now no longer exclusive to WP. You can get your friends on iOS or Android to get it from their respective stores as well.

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