Free update from Windows 8?


New member
Sep 23, 2011
I'm going to cut to the chase, do you think Windows 9 will be a free update from Windows 8/8.1? It honestly should be, or a VERY CHEAP upgrade. My two cents.

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I'd be happy with it being a low cost update like Windows 8 was. I don't have issues paying ?24 for an OS update. I do have an issuing paying ?150 however.

If it's free, great.
I think they want it to be anyway - it's the upgrade from Windows 7 they're still undecided on. Still gets my vote though.
Free or a low cost gets my vote and I would definitely upgrade

From what I have seen so far of 9, there is nothing that would make me pay a premium for it
I think they better give a free upgrade. Things are already not in favour of Microsoft. They should give free upgrades to Windows 8,8.1 users. Because these users have already paid the premium price to purchase the 8,8.1 OS version and they are left with very little options. I don't think there is a learning curve with new 8,8.1 OS but things have changed from a pure desktop exclusive OS to a Fusion OS, many buggy updates and their recalls. This is my 5 cents.

Note: I like the new Windows look and feel.
I'm sorta expecting free for Windows 8 users, Windows 8 hasn't even been out for 2 years yet and this seems far less of a jump than between Vista and 7 or 7 and 8. To me this is more like Windows 8.5 or something, but I agree for branding reasons it might not be a bad idea to start calling it 9, but on the other hand then it leaves WP "behind" at 8.1

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