Is there a way to "add" frequently used words to my Samsung Focus so when typing it will remember them and pop up like it does with many other words??
Works just fine for me on my samsung focus.neither works? highlite then+ ? can't seem to do on the Focus. Tap on the word, doesnt give me an option to add??
Ok, so I'm typing an email, and I type the word that I want added, highlite it as if I'm going to copy and paste? (that's the only way to highlite right?) when I do that 'nothing appears at the top of the autocomplete are and there isn't a+ to the left of it. Am I misunderstanding you??Works just fine for me on my samsung focus.
Type in the word, and then click on the word you just typed to highlight it. At the top where the autocomplete words are, the very left most thing should be your word with a + to the left of it. Click this and it will add it to the dictionary.
I have found that if I type something that does not register as a word (my brother's name has a rather "creative" spelling) spellcheck will point it out. I tap on the underlined word, and between the text field and the virtual keyboard it will give me the option to change it to a suggested word or add it to the dictionary.
I have added more than a few words to the dictionary this way so far, and it now offers them in the list of suggested words.
I know this may not be a direct solution to what you are asking, but I hope it helps.
I have to try this. Even if just to add my email address to the dictionary, that would be great.
Good idea. I hadn't thought of that.
I just tried, but I wasn't able to save the entire address as a new dictionary entry. Just the part before the "@". Oh well, better than nothing.