Future Windows Phone Updates

Zachary Boddy

Staff member
Aug 3, 2014
Future updates are inevitable, polishing 8.1 and maybe even more massive updates before the mysterious Windows Phone 9.
But what do we want from these updates? What problems do we have with the current update? What are our wishes for the future of Windows Phones?
Here's what I want:
Action Center(Notifications center if you will) and Cortana obviously need a lot of work. They don't quite fit in with the rest of Windows Phone. The fundamental basics are there, but they should be more refined, sleek. More aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
Also, Cortana needs a lot of work herself. She's still in Beta, and already I see a lot of potential for her. If Microsoft does it right, she can become the most personalized and intelligent of all the phone AI. I hope, and I assume you guys do too, that Cortana eventually meets our expectations.
Passive voice activation for Cortana? Yes, because we're stupid amounts of fat and lazy. "Cortana, next song please." Driving suddenly became...pretty much the same as usual. We just don't have to look for our phone. Just connect with Bluetooth and go.
Fix the transition glitches please. I've noticed a few.
And it suddenly takes forever to load up messaging. Yay, because when I want to text my friends I want it to take AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. Thank you.
What do you guys want?

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