At the beginning of 2014, Microsoft purchased the Gears of War franchise from Epic Games. Future titles in the series such as the upcoming Gears 4 would be developed by Microsoft's Vancouver-based studio The Coalition (formerly Black Tusk Studios) rather than Epic. But how would the new team ensure that Gears 4 felt like a true successor rather than the slightly disappointing Gears of War Judgment?
As it turns out, The Coalition would first cut its teeth on Gears of War: Ultimate Edition for Xbox One (and soon Windows 10). A remaster of 2006's original Gears of War, Ultimate Edition packs the same revolutionary third-person shooting gameplay that made the first game such a killer app on Xbox 360. It also boasts new single-player and multiplayer content, vastly improved graphics, and several welcome improvements ? all for the low price of $39.99.
Check out our comprehensive review with video to learn how Ultimate Edition makes Gears of War just as relevant in 2015 as it was in 2006.
Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...