"Get a real phone" the waiter said


New member
Aug 11, 2013
Hi everybody.
I just came back from one of my favorite chain restaurants (not gonna say the name).
As my friend and I arrive (both windows phone users), the waiter gave us the menus and then proceeded to explain to us their new promo.
"If you download our new app, next time you come, you'll have a 10? discount". She said.
At that moment I already knew they wouldn't have a Windows phone app, so I nodded and said: "Ok, thank you". I check the little pamphlet and confirmed the words "Play Store" and "iOS App Store". I check the windows phone store just in case, but "nada".
A while later another waiter comes and as he sees the little piece of paper he asks if we had the app. I said we couldn't get it because we used windows phone. He laughs and says: "Well, you need to get a real phone".

Is it bad that I wanted to punch him in the face? Has any of this kinda thing happen to any of you?


New member
Jul 10, 2014
You will be a captive audience and your personal data will be with the restaurant 🍴. IF you use some of these apps. Lucky 🍀 that you are not using the real phone 📞.


New member
Dec 2, 2011
Maybe I'll go to a real restaurant that values all of their customers.
And let the manager know on your way out.


New member
Jan 27, 2014
From the way you're telling it, there doesn't seem to be any malicious intent :) Everybody has an opinion, so just respect that (unless the person is being an ***). There really is no point in reporting every little thing to a manager :p

If I don't have the app, I can't use it.. end of story and life goes on :D

Laura Knotek

Retired Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
From the way you're telling it, there doesn't seem to be any malicious intent :) Everybody has an opinion, so just respect that (unless the person is being an ***). There really is no point in reporting every little thing to a manager

If I don't have the app, I can't use it.. end of story and life goes on :D
I agree. It's also very possible that the manager told the waiter that he had to promote the restaurant's app.
Nov 20, 2012
While I doubt there was a malicious intent to it and the person was likely joking, it wasn't professional. He was talking like the op and him are best friends. That's not your place to joke about my phone

sent from my iPhone...asking myself why I own one

vikash singh1

New member
Aug 23, 2013
Sue the restaurant and ask them for a real phone .... Then sell that phone and get another windows phone :p

Jokes apart ... Whatever restaurant it was .... Surely bad service man.

Should report the manager


New member
May 12, 2013
I work as a technology consultant and all my buddies are nerds like me. They consistently bug me about windows phone "I bet you don't have this app because you have a windows phone" "actually I do" "oh really!? They have 2 apps in the app store now??" Lmao they mean it as a joke and I play along, but to each their own. I'll still with windows phone till the end. I'm helping to fight the good fight by getting as many people upgraded to windows 10 as possible, so far alone I have several hundred I already have set up to get it. And launch will be a hectic day for us. I'm pumped


New member
May 23, 2015
I dont know which phone are you using but you could have shown them Pics taken by your "not so real phone". I've shown a number of people the pics i have taken with L1520 and their first reaction ,almost all of the time, have been " soooper" .

And No, dont complain to the manager, its not going to improve him even if he was an a$$.


New member
Aug 11, 2013
Obviously it didn't cross my mind to ask for the manager or anything. I just wanted to punch him a little bit because of the little joke. The thing is, I am a waiter myself, and personally wouldn't have said anything like that. I would probably say to the costumer, "well if you have an android phone lying around at home, or someone close to you has one, you can try and take advantage of the app anyway".
I am a proud windows phone user since 2013 and not gonna change anytime soon, and like I said, being a waiter myself , I get to see lots of people and most importantly their phones, and I'm seeing quite a number of windows phones everyday which makes me really happy.
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New member
Aug 22, 2013
I never have understood the real phone argument anyway. The source code for windows phone is far more complex than Android. Android users seem to think...the more things you have to select in order to complete a task means complexity. I find in my logic, to be, minutes wasted that could've been used doing something more productive. I have a company Android phone and a personal 1520 Windows phone. Truly do not understand the draw to the static Android or for that matter Iphone???? I've used all three and still get board with both the iPhone Android OS's. Android I find frustratingly frivolous waste of effort. What is this argument that android allows you to do more things . Setting around I.T. Groups saying you have more freedom to tinker and adjust different aspects of your phone compared to Windows phones. I actually asked a fellow I.T. Engineer ," please elaborate on what is you do that entertains on an android for hours?" He basically said going to this and that (settings) changing and adjusting....I finally stopped him and asked why would you by a phone just so can constantly adjust and tinker with? Don't you have enough to do in your day to day job ? I by a phone the seamless functionality of the phone. Windows Phone has its issues but III t also has so much more potential than Android and IPhone put together. Especially With Microsoft coming out with OS Windows 10 Windows 10 RT/ mobile.

CB Stuart

New member
Apr 19, 2014
I don't like it when others say that my phone sucks because I have a windows phone. One kid at my school always said "EW Windows" when he saw me. I think others need to leave us alone and get over the fact that we use windows phones.


New member
Aug 22, 2013
Keep in mind: The Windows platform has more potential than Android and IPhone put together. Think about it! The potential is limitless.....you can give many reasons to own a Windows device now that they have tied Windows 10 to all three platforms. It is the future of mobile PC devices. Microsoft just needs to build upon this unlike what they did with Windows phone 7 and 8.1. WP 8.1 was first step but an incomplete step and oversight. Windows 10 is where they had there come to Jesus moment. Now everything will be built upon this platform and the best of both worlds. Desktop capabilities with the ease of mobility....😉


New member
Jan 2, 2013
Why do you have to buy a real phone, isn't that a phone? It's just a phone. Sent from my L1320

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