I have seen a few people complain about flags and some other sync types of issues with Gmail. Well I just saw over on webOS Nation that the solution with webOS is to set up gmail as an Exchange account. Here is the link to that article http://www.webosnation.com/improve-google-calendar-sync-setting-it-microsoft-exchange-account
I tried this with my WP7 phone and found it worked very well. I selected new mail account and chose Outlook as the type. It failed to connect when I put in my gmail credentials. I then put in additional info as requested and it again failed, but this time it gave me an advanced option. In that section I put in the mail server as https://m.google.com and now my gmail is set up as Outlook. Flagging items works and the primary calendar works. The linked page above also talks about how to get other calendar to sync as well.
I apologize if other people already knew about this method, but I figured I would post it just in case.
I tried this with my WP7 phone and found it worked very well. I selected new mail account and chose Outlook as the type. It failed to connect when I put in my gmail credentials. I then put in additional info as requested and it again failed, but this time it gave me an advanced option. In that section I put in the mail server as https://m.google.com and now my gmail is set up as Outlook. Flagging items works and the primary calendar works. The linked page above also talks about how to get other calendar to sync as well.
I apologize if other people already knew about this method, but I figured I would post it just in case.