No, not my desktop. Me.
I got windows 10 when it came out. It took eons to get a mobile usb connection to the internet, no-one made them to work for windows 10. (I don't have a landline in far south Tasmania). But I've got one now!! Yeah!!!
So how come every time I come to Windows Central my windows10 crashes? I have to reboot. I try to enter a competition. Crashes. Try to learn more about studio, crashes. Try to make this comment?? Guess what.
O oh. Going fuzzy, turning funny color. Strange noises.
I got windows 10 when it came out. It took eons to get a mobile usb connection to the internet, no-one made them to work for windows 10. (I don't have a landline in far south Tasmania). But I've got one now!! Yeah!!!
So how come every time I come to Windows Central my windows10 crashes? I have to reboot. I try to enter a competition. Crashes. Try to learn more about studio, crashes. Try to make this comment?? Guess what.
O oh. Going fuzzy, turning funny color. Strange noises.