Google Voice Search Better than Bing Search(Check it)


New member
Mar 15, 2014
I tried the voice search (Hindi,India) on two apps, the Bing and Google Search by Google, in my Windows phone 8.1 Device and two my surprise, the Google search app was perfectly recognizing my voice while Bing could not.

It's really discouraging and bad .
Why do you think it's like that? Why Google app is recognizing voice perfectly on a Windows phone and Bing cannot?

download (1).jpg

Just tried it with Bing now, using my L1020; it successfully recognized "Gajar ka halwa" and provided me recipes of this Indian delicacy.

I'm not Indian, so my accent is definitely not Indian, but my accent isn't American nor British. My regional settings are such that Cortana will be available, so I don't think the settings has something to do with recognition accuracy (though it should/could).

I must mention, though, that under a noisy environment (some washing machine background audio), right after saying "Gajar ka halwa", Cortana responded with "Wi-Fi is now turned off". [Moment of silence]. After the second attempt in a quiet environment, it got recognized successfully.

Did you perform the comparison under the same environmental audio conditions?
Yes i have compared them in the same environment. However i must mention that right now i tried 10 different phrases all in Hindi with indian accent and Google Search recognised all of them correctly while Bing to none in the first shot.

It's the first time that i am raising this voice in a public forum but i and my friends have tried it a many times.

There must be something about Google search app that is making it able to recognize my voice exactly... You give try to the Google search app yourself and you will feel the difference.

Well, I think the Google search engine could be more mature than Bing - that's one possibility.

I might give the app a try in a while, or in a day. :wink:
I'm surprised that someone actually finds it surprising that Google works better than Bing.
Google has more users = more data = better regional customization. Also they have a more global approach to things unlike the US centric way Microsoft works.
In India, Cortana is still an Alpha... I think it will take a big leap forward when you get the Beta. That was my experience in the US and that's where I am. All my settings are US. As I tried several Indian dishes they all came through first time. I also threw in one Lebanese dish as well. My pronunciation of these names is far from perfect, yet it worked for me...

As has been mentioned above, Google has been sampling voice there in India for far longer than Bing. Keep testing it and it will learn better and faster...

"Google has been sampling voice there in India for far longer than Bing"

May be this is the reason that Google Search app is recognizing voice very well. I am really enjoying it. Hope Bing catch up soon.
"Google has been sampling voice there in India for far longer than Bing"

May be this is the reason that Google Search app is recognizing voice very well. I am really enjoying it. Hope Bing catch up soon.

The only way it catches up is by use... If everyone rushes off to Google, then Bing sits there not advancing. That makes it harder to get to Beta.

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