Got ripped off 950XL with faulty camera OIS and dead primary mic. PLS HELP ME FIX IT.


New member
Jul 16, 2017
Yesterday I bought a Lumia 950xl freshly out of warranty for around 170 USD off local classifieds ad.

I didn't get time to check the calling since my Sim 1 is VoLTE only and other sim wasn't a nano sim.

And Camera I thought was proper.

But later on I saw that camera just couldn't focus at all and then when i tried calling, the other person couldn't hear me at all.

I managed to get my hands on Lumia Test tool. Which confirmed something wrong with Camera OIS and Primary Mic.

Here's the whole report...


Lumia Phone Test Application - report
Name: Lumia 950 XL Dual SIM
IMEI: 351832070532628
Type: RM-1116
Product code: 059X4T3
Software version: 01078.00053.16236.35013 (OS: 15063.15063) (Up to date)
Date: 16-07-2017 15:50:23
Warranty: Out of warranty (in this country)
VID: Not checked (Invalid credentials for NOL server)
Passed: 12/15
1 Memory card detection
2 Charger test Passed
3 Wireless charger test Not executed
4 Self test Failed Digital microphone selftest (117 - Digital microphone selftest)
Result: MinorError
Details: Min variance:
Data: 0 Chnls:
Data: 0 9451631 25203 119130 Min diff:
Data: 4441240 Pairs:
Data: 19424283 4441240
Camera optical image stabilizer test (139 - Camera optical image stabilizer
Result: MinorError
Details: Error limit, extreme positions used, reached center, lower left,
upper right, upper left, lower right, status, max error X, max error Y, high
freq X[2], high freq Y[2], high freq 12bit X[2], high freq 12bit Y[2], serial
number[4], OIS current[20], gm_reached, gm_stdx, gm_stdy, gm_ptpx,
Data: 6 80 176 250 252 170 172 90 87 158 94 92 168 1 18 14 0 143 0 113 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 255 242 255 225 255 228 255 217 255 253 255 239 255 232
255 234 255 255 255 218 0 79 47 23 13
5 SIM card test Passed
6 Audio test Passed
7 Proximity sensor test Passed
8 Accelerometer test Passed Object synchronization method was called from an unsynchronized block
of code.
9 Touch test Passed
10 Buttons test Passed
11 Vibra test Passed
12 Ambient light sensor test Passed
Page 1/2
13 Microphone test Failed Primary microphone failed to record.
14 Camera flash test Passed
15 Display test Passed
Summary: Camera OIS minor error.
Primary microphone Failed to record audio.
Page 2/

I found following replacement items for sale..

1) Replacement back cam module

2) Replacement Mic Module

I think I can personally replace the cam module and get the mic soldered from a repair shop.

But what I want to know is...


Or is there something else that might be wrong as well?

Any other tips or suggestions welcome. THANKS.
Well, if it were me and I wanted to put the money into patching it up, I'd do it.

As long as the mic swap is reasonably feasible, I'd go for it, but I'd be looking into how difficult or how fine a soldering job it would be.
Well, if it were me and I wanted to put the money into patching it up, I'd do it.

As long as the mic swap is reasonably feasible, I'd go for it, but I'd be looking into how difficult or how fine a soldering job it would be.

Thanks for the reply

Of all the videos I found on YouTube, I haven't seen one where Mic is mentioned or disassembled since its a solder smd.

That's the only thing worrying me..

This is the tiny mic.

I wonder if any one here has done this thing.
FWIW, I did a camera swap on my Lumia 950 and it was fairly easy. No soldering, just ribbon cables.

950 Camera Replacement.jpg
Can you point me where you sourced the replacement camera module and the quality of it (compared to original)?

Also What was your issue with camera?

I bought it on EBay... This was the seller electronics-parts-depot on eBay

The issue was that the camera was constantly going in and out of focus. Had a "wave" effect on the screen. It would do this for pics and video, so I was able to just record a video and you can see what it looked like while trying to take pictures...

Oh, and the geiger counter, clicking noise, that's the camera trying to focus :/
I bought it on EBay... This was the seller electronics-parts-depot on eBay

The issue was that the camera was constantly going in and out of focus. Had a "wave" effect on the screen. It would do this for pics and video, so I was able to just record a video and you can see what it looked like while trying to take pictures...

Yep. my problem exactly though not that severe. And mine also makes similar noise.
Thanks for clarifying the camera part..
I bought it on EBay... This was the seller electronics-parts-depot on eBay

The issue was that the camera was constantly going in and out of focus. Had a "wave" effect on the screen. It would do this for pics and video, so I was able to just record a video and you can see what it looked like while trying to take pictures...

Thanks..thats exactly what my phone does. And the clicking too.
Sorry for triple post, forgot to mention... seller said, it was an OEM part... In any event, the quality of the pictures is very nice. As good as the original camera, before the original camera went bad.

Edit: changed post to note it was the original camera I was referring to going bad... not the new camera I replaced.
Last edited:
Thanks! mine is the same problem as your video. and the clicking too.

Sorry for triple post, forgot to mention... seller said, it was an OEM part... In any event, the quality of the pictures is very nice. As good as the original camera, before it went bad.

How long did it last? And did the same problem occur?
Thanks! mine is the same problem as your video. and the clicking too.

How long did it last? And did the same problem occur?

I bought the 950 in December, 2015. The original camera went bad around November/December of 2016... It would have been covered under warranty, BUT I was foolish and thought the issue was due to an insider update and kept waiting for a new build to fix it... It progressively got worse and started making all the clicking sounds in February of 2017... which is when I finally bit the bullet and rolled back to the release build. When it still had the issue, I kind of gave up on it until I came across a video showing how easy it was to replace and how cheap the part was, I think I paid around $25 for the new camera.

The new camera I replaced has been solid... NO issues since it was installed, I think on April 13... at least that's the date on the photo's details.

There must be some issue with the forums, because it doesn't seem to be letting me post a picture.
Yesterday I bought a Lumia 950xl freshly out of warranty for around 170 USD off local classifieds ad.

I didn't get time to check the calling since my Sim 1 is VoLTE only and other sim wasn't a nano sim.

And Camera I thought was proper.

But later on I saw that camera just couldn't focus at all and then when i tried calling, the other person couldn't hear me at all.

I managed to get my hands on Lumia Test tool. Which confirmed something wrong with Camera OIS and Primary Mic.

Here's the whole report...


I found following replacement items for sale..

1) Replacement back cam module

2) Replacement Mic Module

3) Replacement lenovo parts

I think I can personally replace the cam module and get the mic soldered from a repair shop.

But what I want to know is...


Or is there something else that might be wrong as well?

Any other tips or suggestions welcome. THANKS.

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