Great poll on twitter

what's so great about it?

MS staff have always used whatever phone they wanted, what's new?
Even Dona Sarkar the head of the failing w10m was caught using iPhone in public w her friends. Just Testing for sure...

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Even Dona Sarkar the head of the failing w10m was caught using iPhone in public w her friends. Just Testing for sure...

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I know many people who use multiple devices. Lots of posters on here do. I used to.

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I know many people who use multiple devices. Lots of posters on here do. I used to.

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Additionally, if I'm not mistaken, there was a story about a higher up employee at Google being "caught" with an iPhone. Not sure if that was the end of last year though, can't recall.
I know many people who use multiple devices. Lots of posters on here do. I used to.

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Wow you have no concept of optics. You clearly don't own your own business or have experience in brand management...thanks for coming

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This is an odd story. Do research on here. The fact MS employees using different phones was brought up well over a year ago.

Twitter: @PhotographyET
I watched a video on youtube yesterday, about OneDrive for Business, and Office 365, all the MS staff speakers were on iOS machines (phone and notebooks) and showing how well OneDrive works on both android and iOS. My take-away was that MS 'is' trying to bring in a MUCH larger demographic. I remember being a little set back when they offered Office 2010 (I think, could have been 2016) to iOS first, but as a short period of time went by, and we (Windows users) received our version, it was much better. So, if MS is using android, or iOS to test for bugs (they probably don't have the feedback network, that they have with MS users), I for one, don't feed threatened by it. As a matter of fact, truth be told, I am glad they are doing it, because ALL (most, anyway) my customers use Android, and iOS, and this move will allow be to interact with them easier, without an intermediary app.

I, personally, am reserving my options until after I see what MS's next 'confirmed' step is; the fact that they are playing close-to-the-vest is a good thing, IMO. I remember years back I was out in Las Vegas, went for a morning run - so was somewhat haggard in appearance when getting into the elevator - and two of my competitor, in suits, feeling unthreatened and braggart, reveled all kinds of secrets to the schmuck in the corner. Point is, I hope we are not hearing anything because something big is on the horizon and MS doesn't want to tip its hand, look at Samsung's Dex. I can be patient to a point, and will give them the opportunity to play-out the cards they are not showing, and will decided at that time on how to proceed. I believe that if they were going to completely dismantle the mobile portion of the business, they wouldn't have put forth the efforts they have in the last year; obviously creating a mobile OS isn't as easy as we as we think it is.

By the way, I am NOT a ******, but I can be loyal to a fault, and just happen to believe that MS has been best for me up to this time, and hopefully in the future, time will tell. I also have no ill will towards anyone choosing a different view point, or option...these are just 'my' thoughts.

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