Grocery/Shopping List App?


New member
May 7, 2014
I have spent some time using WP8, and was fairly happy with it, but eventually got sick of the lack of functionality of many of the apps. It was a relief to go back to android and have apps with pretty simple features that are very useful (at least to me!). With the 8.1 update, I have gone back to WP, and have committed to making Windows Phone work for me.

So far my biggest complaint has been the grocery list apps (I am aware how ridiculous that sounds), but I am an avid cook and obsessive planner, so having a well-laid out grocery list is of utmost importance. On android, the 2 grocery apps that I used (ourgroceries first, and then out of milk, which is much better) would remember the categories that food that had been input once had been in. For example, if I add Lemons, Yogurt, and Chickens, all I have to input is those items, and since they're things that I buy regularly, the phone automatically knows to place lemons in "produce," yogurt in "dairy" and chickens in "meat." Additionally, out of milk offers functionality that allows you to then manually move items around in each category. My primary grocery store always has fruit in front, veggies along the sides, then mushrooms, bagged salad mixes, and onions/garlic/potatoes in the back, so I can sort the list to put strawberries first, and garlic last on the list. I can also change the order in which my categories are displayed, allowing me to lay out my list based on the order in which I move through the store.

So far I've downloaded 4 separate shopping list apps, and the only one that's come close has been shared shopping list, which forces you to input the category for each item(when you're inputting 40 items on a list, this gets obnoxious quickly). Does anyone have any experience with this type of app and know if there's something that I'm looking for?


New member
Aug 5, 2013
you can use OneNote which is preinstalled on all windows phone and windows 8 devices , it syncs across ios , windows and android :smile:


New member
May 7, 2014
Thanks for the input. I have used onenote, but I prefer the functionality of having it prepopulate categories and whatnot. Half the time I'm editing my list, I'm out and about, and in my experience, onenote is less touch-optimized than many grocery apps.


New member
May 13, 2014
Thanks for the input. I have used onenote, but I prefer the functionality of having it prepopulate categories and whatnot. Half the time I'm editing my list, I'm out and about, and in my experience, onenote is less touch-optimized than many grocery apps.

I'm using "Shopping List" from Microsoft. It's pretty useful once you get used to it. You add items and they are placed in a list as you check them off they are moved a "basket list" and when unchecked move to a "(grocery) shelf list". I find it useful because I know what I have in my basket and what I need to get off the shelves. Try it you might just like it. It's minimalistic and sometimes a little fidgity but I find it to be the best till now. However it still may not address your issue of automatically sorting your items.


New member
May 22, 2014
shopping list

this program, from fbsApp has been on my Nokia 1520 since shortly after getting it
I have all my stores & items on it, so it is very convenient
sadly it no longer seems available in the Store for my Lumia 950, with a different Shopping List program from a different developer now offered
I use it a lot & have taken to schlepping my beloved Fablet just to use this app :cry:
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