Group Messaging Issue After Upgrading to 8.1

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I updated my 1520 to 8.1 and Cyan today (never had the developer's preview installed) and ever since, my group messages have been messing up.

Now, I'm included as a separate recipient on every group message, so when I send a text, it shows up again in the thread as an incoming message from "David's Phone" (that's me).

I found other people online who had the same issue with other Lumia phones, but no one had a definitive fix. Some people suggested that adding myself as a contact would do the trick, but that didn't work.

Does anyone else have advice on how to fix this? It never happened before I updated my phone today.
I did a soft reset (hold power + volume down) this morning and it fixed the problem for me. Hopefully that will work for you too!
Had the same problem with my own 1520. I have also performed a soft reset to see if that fixes it (simply performing a normal Shutdown / Restart doesn't do anything).

Also - make sure to not reply back to the affect TXT threads - I suspect that you'll still receive your own TXTs on those due to the recipient list.
just an resolution yet

soft reset - no dice
hard reset - fixed another bug i was experiencing, but all new group texts still have me as a recipient. so every time i reply to a group text i send myself a message too....
not the end of the world, but quite annoying since i get dinged with a sound alert immediately after sending a group well as starting completely new threads for pre-upgrade group chats
Just sent a group text to five family members. On their replies, I was not added to the group. Last night, however, I texted my two brothers-in-law, and in their replies, I was added. So, in between last night and earlier today, the only thing that I did to my phone was go through a power on/off cycle. Not saying that the issue is fixed, but I'm hoping it is. I plan on sending another text to my brothers-in-law from my 1520 WP8.1, my 1320 WP8.1 Dev Prev, and my Xperia Z Ultra. I'll post my results soon.
Another quick update from me: After my soft-reset, I sent a couple of group TXTs of my own without further issue. This makes me wonder if the issue is more of a tower reporting the TXT to the phone issue rather than a problem with the phones, themselves.
I really don't have a reasonable solution to offer. After I cycled through the power off/on routine, the issue went away...for now at least. I didn't perform a soft reset though. I just long-pressed the power button and powered off my phone like normal. I waited around 10 seconds and powered it back on.
My issue seems to be resolved...

I called AT&T last night and had them re-provision my phone...also did a soft reset afterwards.

This morning, group texts seem to have to proper number of recipients.

What do you mean by re-provision? Can you be more specific?
My issue seems to be resolved...

I called AT&T last night and had them re-provision my phone...also did a soft reset afterwards.

This morning, group texts seem to have to proper number of recipients.

I called AT&T to have them re-provision my account, did the soft reset, and I still have the issue. Getting to be a bothersome problem...
Several commented that " ..." "my account" or "my phone". A request was made to explain the meaning of "re-provision". Would some courteous person step up and explain?
Thanks in advance

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