Hasn't the Surface Book GPU issues been fixed a couple of months back?

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Windows Central Question

The surface book has just been released in the UK yesterday on the 18th Feb. I had pre ordered mine and received it on time, went through the full set up as well as a couple of updates.

After using it all day I noticed every once in a while the screen would flash, the tone for a device being connected would sound as well as the green box to say the screen has now attached being displayed. Also, there has been some screen flickering every now and then as well.

Later in the evening I installed and played a game of League of Legends and it all ran perfectly fine. After which I went to shut it down for the night at which point it wanted to update and install another round of updates before shutting down.

the major problems came about this morning when I turned it on again and started using it further. The flickering seems to be more frequent and more severe (yesterday the flickering happened while attempting to scroll a web page and would stop after a second or so, but this morning I'd be on a youtube page and the screen would flicker constantly sometimes while the page is in focus and would stop as soon as I close it), as well as when attempting to play a game of League of Legends, the game client opens correctly, I can navigate the menus and get through character selecting and the loading screen, but once the game has loaded it instantly crashes and returns to the game client. I'm guessing the point after the loading screen is when the machine engages the GPU in the base unit and something goes wrong and causes it to crash.

Is there anyone else still having issues with the surface book in general/trying to run a game or other graphics related apps?

My machine is the i7, 8GB, 256 GB SSD, NVidia GPU model.


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Jul 29, 2013
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Your issue sounds more like it isn't making a good connection with the base if you're seeing the 'attached' message after the screen flashes (if you haven't specifically detached the screen yourself). That's a normal part of the detach/re-attach process. Try cleaning the contacts on the base (after detaching the screen). There was an issue originally with some units having some grease or something on those contacts that was causing issues, I think. MIght be worth a shot anyways.

The screen flickering/flashing is not a normal issue at this point (never was for me) -- if you otherwise cannot fix it, I would recommend exchanging for another unit. Some have exchanged theirs a number of times before finally getting one that works smoothly for them. There are still many, many bugs...

Hardik Mandavia

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Feb 19, 2016
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Thanks for the information. I've managed to fix the issue I was having with the game, when it would crash when trying to engage the GPU unit, by disabling the NVidia video card and reenabling it followed by a restart. I wasn't able to continue to use it for an extended period of time since then so can't yet tell if it's also sorted the flickering issue as well, but hopefully it has.

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