Have you Voted?

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abhishek singh21

Active member
Apr 27, 2014
Have you voted for the current presidential elections in USA?

Feel free to share who have you voted for ( you reserve the right to share this info) and what the outcome maybe. These elections have been in the spotlight all over the world and in a matter of hours we will find out who wins the white house.
Nope. Probably because I'm from the UK, but it might be because we voted for Brexit so we're not trusted with democracy anymore.
I voted. Not sure of the outcome, but over the election cycle like 3 months ago.

That's all I'm going to say.
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The real voting is not today. It is on December 19th when electors cast their vote for the new president and then their votes will be counted in congress on January 6, 2017....
The real voting is not today. It is on December 19th when electors cast their vote for the new president and then their votes will be counted in congress on January 6, 2017....

This is true, but only half true. In my state and district, I also voted for a new Senator and Representative as well, along with other local positions. To me that holds more power over the presidency in my daily life. So the real voting is TODAY and also then too.
I did early voting a couple of weeks ago. Line wasn't too long... not sure why people would wait for today with the other options available.

I'll go vote after work tonight. We don't have an easy early voting mechanism in PA, but I've never had much of a line at my local precinct.
Voted absentee quite a while ago. Just waiting for the dust to settle now.
Done here.jpg

Early voters here...
We've been out of it for about 2 weeks.

Been shredding a lot of voter plea cards and other info plus we've been staying off the network TV channels.
Disabled the answering machine on Friday also.
Doing as much as possible to forget about this campaign.
I voted today, no line, in and out in a few minutes. I was surprised they were using paper ballots, haven't seen those for years.

I'm not sure I would have bothered if it was just a vote for president, but there's other stuff like congressional races, local county positions and local referendum questions. I went more for that really.
I voted today around the same time as Laura. :)
Hoping the glass ceiling is broken by night's end.

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Glass ceiling was broken years ago. We need to make America great again, not give a known corrupt criminal family the chance to finish the job. Yes I voted.
Let's keep the politics to a simmer here! Y'all have various views and that's good, voting for what you believe in, but I really don't want to see any fires spring up here! Thanks!
Meh, U.S. is screwed either way. I voted for Pepperoni Pizza. Best dinner this week 😀
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