Help Me Creating My App Store Description and Get 5 Free App Code

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New member
May 28, 2014

I'm developer from Indonesia, writing in English is not my second nature.
I want help for community to create my app description and feature in English.

So create :
1. App description something like 200-300 words, don't use word Best/Ultimate or similar word.
2. List of app feature.
3. Send it to my email appstore at

Check my app here :
I will choose best 2 entries, and reward it with 5 redeem code for ScribePad for each winner.


EDIT: This contest is officially over, I have pick winner Ryujingt3 and got help from person that not a member of Windows Central Community.
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Well, my phone is pretty dead however I was able to check out the PC store app and it does look pretty neat.

Although I do have some reservations of the price tag at 4.49 GBP.

As I like to dabble in short stories as a hobby and stress relief mechanism I can say it may help organise my thoughts in a more concrete way.

Will give the app a spin over the next few days on my phone and will update this post with additional thoughts and the description.
Well, my phone is pretty dead however I was able to check out the PC store app and it does look pretty neat.

Although I do have some reservations of the price tag at 4.49 GBP.

As I like to dabble in short stories as a hobby and stress relief mechanism I can say it may help organise my thoughts in a more concrete way.

Will give the app a spin over the next few days on my phone and will update this post with additional thoughts and the description.

This contest is officially over, I have pick winner Ryujingt3 and got help from person not a member of Windows Central Community.
But I still have some free code, if you can improve the current app description maybe I can give you some free code, just send it to my email.

Well, my phone is pretty dead however I was able to check out the PC store app and it does look pretty neat.

Although I do have some reservations of the price tag at 4.49 GBP.

As I like to dabble in short stories as a hobby and stress relief mechanism I can say it may help organise my thoughts in a more concrete way.

Will give the app a spin over the next few days on my phone and will update this post with additional thoughts and the description.

I think the app has a lot of potential too. I also like to write things in my spare time.
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