Hi Alexa, Amazon's Echo device team isn't convinced a new subscription service and refreshed personal assistant will save the company from the bill...


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May 16, 2023
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Bezos is right and Jassy is wrong.
Amazon's profits outside AWS (Jassy's old domain) come from the integration of the supporting products and services. Without the products, the services have little to no value.

Just one example: Amazon music is no different than spotify, Apple music, or whatever. It only attracts paid users because it can run and be controlled by Echo Dot and the Fire toys. It's the Synergy they are buying. Take those away, the synergy goes away, and you might as well use pandora.

If Jassy insists on making each product/service individually profitable it'll be the end of that synergy and the end of Amazon.

Looks like Amazon's new Boss is another Ballmer. Penny-wise and pound foolish.


Dec 6, 2017
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I'm not sure I understand this;
"It will allow consumers to control their smart homes using their voices, rather than the conventional way that requires them to launch the app on their smartphones."
I use my voice to control my smart home devices now. I don't have to open an app.

I was looking forward to the more "conversational Alexa". Not sure I am willing to pay extra for that. I understand they need to make a profit though.


Active member
May 16, 2023
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I'm not sure I understand this;
"It will allow consumers to control their smart homes using their voices, rather than the conventional way that requires them to launch the app on their smartphones."
I use my voice to control my smart home devices now. I don't have to open an app.

I was looking forward to the more "conversational Alexa". Not sure I am willing to pay extra for that. I understand they need to make a profit though.
But they are making a profit. Just not on the hardware alone.
It's a form of the razor/blade model. Or classic gaming consoles.
Sell the enabling hardware at or near cost, rake in the profits via lock-in. How hard is that to understand?

(I could understand the gripes if he were in the FTC but an american corporate CEO? What is he? German?)

All you need to do is go back years and years and look at reviews for the FIRE line. What always shows up in the "cons": "good hardware at a greatbprice but you're locked in to the Amazon universe." Well, duh! That's the whole point! Lockin. What next? He's going to kill Prime perks?

The question isn't whether their gadgets make a profit but whether the services and content make enough profit to offset (most) of the hardware losses.

It's another form of basket pricing, retail 101.

If he doesn't understand it, he shouldn't be running a hydra headed consortium and stick to the IT world of 30% margins. Cause in retail and content single digits is usually the best you can do. 10-12% if you're lucky.

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