Hidden Gems Contest! No word from WPC

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Sharooq Salaudeen

New member
May 28, 2014
Hey, its been a while since WPCentral launched there first hidden gem contest. And in the last article, the dead line was mentioned as 16th July Wednesday. Its 21st today( post submitted) but still there is no word from WPCentral. Did they forgot!! :cool: or did Microsoft gave up on them :winktongue: . Many of us are excited to know the damn 8 lucky winners. Hope, I got one too.
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Lol I think you might be too excited :winktongue:

Give them some time or try to nag them about it in the comment section of the news articles, but you'll have to be one of the first ones to comment :P good luck
Hello! I think it's not necessary to make a separate thread for just a question so I might ask it here. I am one of the person who won in the contest. However, my question and problem, both are, before the announcement of the winners(22nd July as I read), I had an accident and I was hospitalized before 22nd of July. In the mean time, WPCentral announced the winners. Today, I was discharged by the hospital. On reaching home, I checked out my Emails and found out Ma'am Michelle Haag's email about the inquiry of mailing address. So the question being is, she asked me about the information like 7-8 days ago and I just responded. Am I a still able to claim my prize or I have lost the opportunity because of the late response?

I have further PMed a staff member hours ago but still got no response. A quick reply would be highly appreciable since I can't control my excitement and fear of losing.

Thank you,
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I'd say message Michelle directly and see if you missed your chance. Just click on her name in the post right above yours and hit "PM"
Well I won too and I replied 4 days after the announcement.... I didn't checked the first mail as it was sent to junk folder. But the second mail came 4 days later and I replied to that. I haven't received the reply but I think the winners will remain the same.... BUT please tell me too if you get a reply from them.
Well I won too and I replied 4 days after the announcement.... I didn't checked the first mail as it was sent to junk folder. But the second mail came 4 days later and I replied to that. I haven't received the reply but I think the winners will remain the same.... BUT please tell me too if you get a reply from them.

I just PMed Michelle. I am over excited as this is the first thing I have ever won in competitions and badly afraid of losing the prize because of the no-timely response. Yes sure, I will inform as soon as I get my confirmation.

Edit: Just found out she has disabled her PMs :(
I just PMed Michelle. I am over excited as this is the first thing I have ever won in competitions and badly afraid of losing the prize because of the no-timely response. Yes sure, I will inform as soon as I get my confirmation.

Edit: Just found out she has disabled her PMs :(

Try PMing Daniel Rubino or Sam Sabri?
I already messaged Daniel, yesterday. He might be busy though. That's why I didn't get any reply. I don't want to annoy staff members though so I am just leaving this matter over my luck :-|
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