Hotmail/Outlook emails are not deleting


New member
Nov 14, 2012
I am having a trouble with a few emails that keep coming back once I delete them.

I delete the email messages and they are gone, but then check my phone the next time and they are back in the inbox.
They don't come back as unread, they just keep getting put back into the inbox as if I had never deleted them before.

Anyone have any idea what is going on with this? I've never had this problem before.

Thank you.
This is happening to me also. The emails also have dotted lines under them. I have tried deleting them from also, but to no avail. They still are showing up on my phone.
No dotted lines under mine, it's really strange...they just keep reappearing every time. Hopefully someone will have a fix for it.
Instead of deleting them with the trash can symbol I moved them all to the trash. That seemed to work for me. Hope this helps...but I would still like to know why that was happening.
Try restarting the phone? I had a text message issue before where it got caught in a loop and kept texting me the same message over and over.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 521 using Tapatalk
I have tried restarting the phone as well and it still does not work. If anyone has any other suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.
I am having the same problem. It doesn't delete all my emails. I've tried moving them to the trash, restarting, etc. Nothing works. Windows Phone techs - PLEASE FIX THIS PROBLEM!!
Try this: Go to settings - email & accounts. Select the problem email account and uncheck the "content to synch" box that says email. Let the changes take effect (your inbox for that account should disappear), then go back in and reselect email in "content to synch". This corrected the problem for me.
Try this: Go to settings - email & accounts. Select the problem email account and uncheck the "content to synch" box that says email. Let the changes take effect (your inbox for that account should disappear), then go back in and reselect email in "content to synch". This corrected the problem for me.
Thank you, that worked. :)
I had this issue with 4 emails for the last three days. I finally put them in trash and went to the email account and they showed up in the trash folder and then I clicked on the trash folder and the three dots which gave me the option empty and that seems to have done the trick
I had this too with a couple of emails, I just went onto and deleted them there and emptied the deleted items/trash folder and they finally disappeared
I have this also on my 920. I solved it (not fixed) by moving items to trash, then emptying trash. Its not a permanent solution but it removed my desire to swear alot!
Still seeing this issue on my 928 with GDR2/Amber. I prefer to read my Hotmail e-mails on the computer, but when I delete them, or they get marked as Read, they are still showing as NEW on the phone. As the day goes, my Unread count grows and grows until I manually delete them. Setting is to Sync once per hour. I don't want to shut it off because when I am away from my PC, I like to keep updated. Syncs the new just fine, but it is like the flag to either delete or mark Read is not there.

Microsoft to Microsoft, it should work. Right?

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