After using both they feel like 2 different apps. The app on PC by FAR is way more stable than mobile, but it somewhat feels a bit like a web wrapper. While the mobile app crashes often and doesnt even have the same icon designs or the web wrapper feel of the pc app.
The pc app has live and performs better. The messenger app on pc feels more like they are universal in design. It is more stable but I notice it's missing the video recording and picture taking options (unless I overlooked them)
Why the differences between the mobile and pc apps? Is the design of the pc app what mobile will eventually be. Or are they not really universal?
The pc app has live and performs better. The messenger app on pc feels more like they are universal in design. It is more stable but I notice it's missing the video recording and picture taking options (unless I overlooked them)
Why the differences between the mobile and pc apps? Is the design of the pc app what mobile will eventually be. Or are they not really universal?