How do I get Cortana to understand flight tracking that is not US?


New member
Jun 29, 2014
Flight Tracking Non-US

Anyone managed to get Cortana to understand a flight that's not a US flight. Just booked a quick Ryanair flight from UK to RoI, got the email, however Cortana hasn't responded yet. Have checked flight tracking is enabled under Cortana.

I ask, because I haven't found a thread that talks about Non-US travel.

Anyone been successful?

Re: Flight Tracking Non-US

Cortana tracked my flights from Italy to the US for me no problem...

The tracking only starts about 72 hours out due to the source Cortana reads for the flight info. How far out is your flight?
Re: Flight Tracking Non-US

Its the beginning of Feb, but I would have expected it to have at least put a calendar entry, the tracking I wouldn't expect until 24 hours before the flight...

Re: Flight Tracking Non-US

I put mine on the Calendar manually and Cortana actually read it from there. You also need to have flight info sent to your email with the proper markup hyperlinked in the data and I didn't have that.

​As an aside: Have you looked at App in the Air?
Re: Flight Tracking Non-US

I put mine on the Calendar manually and Cortana actually read it from there. You also need to have flight info sent to your email with the proper markup hyperlinked in the data and I didn't have that.

​As an aside: Have you looked at App in the Air?

The email seems fine to me when I looked at the meta data.
When I've done web/forum searches, I can only ever get US issues, so wasn't sure the UK version had been made flight aware.

I'll manually add it and hope Cortana picks it up.

Thanks for the help.


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