How do I manage videos with Windows Phone and Mac?


New member
Oct 9, 2014
I'm on a mac. I see an option to sync iTunes videos - not what I want.
I can drag a video into the mac Windows Phone sync app, and it appears in phone Videos app on phone. But I've no idea where it's stored.

So, my questions are:
- Should I be using a dedicated video player app; if so which one do you guys rate?
- If I use the built-in app, where are my vids stored?
- Does anyone happen to know how to add vids to Plex straight on the device rather than thro the Plex cloud?

I'll try to answer your questions. Unfortunately people with Macs on this site a minority. I have to admit not to owning a Mac but your questions are not fully Mac related.

There are a set of directories on the phone where transferred files are stored these are:

Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Ringtones and Videos. These folders are usually accessible when using a Windows PC and the phone is sort of like a USB drive in this instance (but not exactly).

Taking a stab I'd say the Videos would end up in the Video folder but I can't say for sure.

I'd recommend reading up on syncing with your mac - How to sync your Windows Phone with a Mac | Windows Phone How-to (United Kingdom)

You can use this app - Files | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United Kingdom)

To browse those folders on your phone.

I know many people don't like the built in Video player for various reasons and there are a few different ones available. This one here is a paid app but is one of the better ones.

MoliPlayer Pro | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United Kingdom)

I don't use Plex so I can't help you much there. Generally speaking it all depends on how the app is set up. Apps are generally sandboxed in WP so typically all their files are located with the app and you don't have access to those files aside from cloud access. Some have access to the those folders I indicated above. Depends on the developer.
Video files are stored in a folder called Video. I'm not sure but you should be able to connect your phone to your mac via the usb cable and have the files on the phone show up. This would allow you to drag and drop files into music or video folders on the phone without requiring iTunes.
Thanks guys,

OK, so here's what I've figured out using ur info and working at it. This is posted for MAC users:
  • Mac sync app is very limiting. It limits formats (awfully) and is focused on syncing with iTunes & iPhoto etc
  • However, with parallels or VMWare, you can browse your phone's allowed folders (as above) plus the SD card. Here you can drag ANY vid format into the phone
  • Once vids are on the phone, the phone app Files or Videos will show anything you have dragged above. Clicking non-standard formats will open up Molio Player (or whatever advanced player you have installed)
  • There's a bonus: Now you can drag photo albumns (complete folders) you have on your mac without having to get albumns into iPhoto first! That's HUGE for me! I love my WP (despite being on iPhone from v1) and this inability to put my photo folders across was a real letdown. So cool!
To be honest I find it rather confusing that a Windows Phone device behaves differently when connected to a Windows machine versus a Mac. I have both at home and love the fact that my L635 shows up as thumb drive on Windows just as much as I hate the fact that it doesn't on OS X. Maybe someday Microsoft will decide to address that issue. Or maybe they deem Mac users too stupid to deal with thumb drives. No idea but it's discouraging to say the least.
To be honest I find it rather confusing that a Windows Phone device behaves differently when connected to a Windows machine versus a Mac. I have both at home and love the fact that my L635 shows up as thumb drive on Windows just as much as I hate the fact that it doesn't on OS X. Maybe someday Microsoft will decide to address that issue. Or maybe they deem Mac users too stupid to deal with thumb drives. No idea but it's discouraging to say the least.

I read that it's about a protocol called something like MHT (?) that isn't available by default on a mac. But yes, MS could add a driver to the sync software. I'm truly finding parallels to be a great solution. I think there are free VM machines you can use in the same way.

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