Has anyone seen a review comparing the Focus S to the HTC Titan camera? Comparison shots? Anything? This phone's been out for a few days, and I've yet to see anyone run a Camera comparison...
gravage I'd be interested in seeing some of your shots...got my Focus S on Sunday and have tried some different pictures--different lighting, different settings etc. and right now, I'm not impressed. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong--first phone with the hold down camera button half way to focus--but the quality of the pics haven't been great. Plus, seems like shutter speed--not sure if that's the right term--is slow, as when I push button to capture the picture I think I am, there's a delay and I end up not getting that picture.
Granted I'm no photo expert, but my other phones so far--iPhone4, Pre2 and Pre3 and some Android devices, have just been point and click and I get a good quality picture.
I'm hoping I'm doing something wrong, so I'm looking for advice. Thanks.
It would be kind of hard to post the images here. If I upload them to a site like Picasa, they'll lose quality. WP7 has this uncanny need to compress images no matter what you do with them. The only way to see them in the raw is to connect to Zune and drag them to desktop.
You do need to hold down half way to let it focus and then push the rest of the way to snap the shot. I seem to get good quality photos in good and low light, so maybe that's your issue. Make sure your lense isn't smudged too.
Use Imgur Uploader from the Market. It's simple, retains the original quality & gives you a nice small URL you copy/paste here.