How to create an account without a credit card


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Jun 14, 2013
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So I'm very frustrated right now I just recently purchased a Nokia phone for my daughter. When I try to setup an account all is fine since she is a minor it requires an adult. That's all great I like that feature.

However to prove to I'm an adult I have to provide my Credit Cards! That's absurd!

I know with Android you don't have to provide a CC to create an account.

And my experience with iOS there is ways around providing a credit card, albeit a very difficult way around it. I'm wondering does Microsoft have a similar way around providing a CC?


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Jun 25, 2013
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As far as I know, setting up an adult or a child account doesn't require anything special like credit cards or something.
Simply log in to and approve your daughter's account. If it doesn't appear, log in with her account and insert your email in My Family hub (just under the profile) and then log in with your account to approve hers.


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Jun 14, 2013
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what are you trying to do ? buy apps ?
Not to buy apps but to have access to the window apps.
I understand I can use a credit card, I just don't want to.

As far as I know, setting up an adult or a child account doesn't require anything special like credit cards or something.
Simply log in to and approve your daughter's account. If it doesn't appear, log in with her account and insert your email in My Family hub (just under the profile) and then log in with your account to approve hers.
I haven't tried that website I'll give it a go. When I tried to do this on her phone it would take me to a website and that website would ask me for a credit card every time I tried to approve her account


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Jan 19, 2012
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Nah, something wrong here, the only time I have ever given card details was when I wanted to purchase apps, not during setup, setting up with a hotmail or outlook e-mail address was all that was needed, not even on my Windows RT tablet was I required to give card details, again, only if I want to purchase apps.


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Nov 14, 2012
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I remembered I encountered once. The problem only occurs when you tried to setup an account for a minor. You will need associate it with a parent account for permissions. They will charge you either $0.10 or $1 on a credit card to prove that you are a valid adult account, not something made up. The credit card number is not stored for later use. I ended up just create an account for my kid as regular adult account with no parent supervision. It is easier that way.

khamaruah gardner

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Jun 15, 2016
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So I'm very frustrated right now I just recently purchased a Nokia phone for my daughter. When I try to setup an account all is fine since she is a minor it requires an adult. That's all great I like that feature.

However to prove to I'm an adult I have to provide my Credit Cards! That's absurd!

I know with Android you don't have to provide a CC to create an account.

And my experience with iOS there is ways around providing a credit card, albeit a very difficult way around it. I'm wondering does Microsoft have a similar way around providing a CC?

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