How to delete a font that is "in use"?

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Rense 1

New member
Mar 8, 2022
Hi, a while back I installed an extra font pack, Helvetica Neue. The pack works fine and I can access all the fonts in all my apps, but there is one small problem. One of the fonts is written over the place for the "bold" font, and that font is an outlined only version, which is very annoying.

I have tried to delete the file via the Fonts menu, and via the explorer, but in both cases, as soon as I have the exact font I want to delete it won't let me. The prompt tells me that "the font is in use" (or the folder, or the file, depends on which menu).
I have also tried to copy a normal "bold" font, change the name to the "outline" font, and then paste it with the same name in the Fonts-folder, then click "replace existing". But the same prompt pops up.

Is there any trick to either overwrite this font, or disable it, or the best option for me: to delete it.

Thanks in advance!

I am currently running on Windows 11, but before I was on Windows 10 with the same results.

If it helps, this is the file name: helvetica-75-bold-outline-587ebe00b76ba.ttf
Sometimes you can't delete a font if you are in the Fonts folder (yes it's dumb). If you are comfortable with editing the Registry, you can try this - should solve the issue:

  1. Close your Fonts folder
  2. Open RegEdit
  3. Navigate to the Fonts folder: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows NT / CurrentVersion / Fonts
  4. Search for your font in the right pane and Delete it
  5. Close RegEdit and save if prompted
  6. go to your fonts folder and verify the font you wanted remove is gone.

Hope that fixes it for you :)
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