How to delete "WP_" from file names?


New member
Nov 3, 2018
Hello! Photos that I took by my Lumia have names like "WP_20161209_08_50_37_Pro".

But I would like to delete "WP_" so that it would be only like this: "20161209_08_50_37_Pro".

Please do you know how to delete "WP_" from multiple files at once? I have a lot of photos and it is quite exhausting and annoying to do it manually...


(I have Windows 10 on my computer)
Well actually there is a way in W10 (didn't know either, but seemed weird that it wouldn't be available). I'm assuming it will work for files stored locally and files on a portable device.

Go to the files > Select them all or just a few to test > Click on the 'rename' option (this will select only the last file) > Change/remove whatever you need from it's title > Hit enter and if correct, every file selected should be renamed :)

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Open a Windows Explorer window and go to the directory where the files you want to rename are stored.

Shift-Right Click any open area in the file list region and select the "Open PowerShell window here" option from the pop-up menu.

Enter the following command in the PowerShell window.

Dir | Rename-Item -NewName {$ -replace "WP_",""}

This option will preserve the remainder of each file name which is essentially the date /time stamp. The option mentioned above will rename all the files with the same date/time stamp as the first file, and add an incremental number to the filename to keep them unique.
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