How to download music if it cannot be streamed at the request of the copyright holder on win10


New member
Oct 17, 2015
If you have sync'd your phones music and you realize that some of your music that was on you previous phone when trying to play gives you the error of "To listen, download this At the request of the copyright holder, this song can't be streamed." Than this thread is for you.

First step is you will have to connect your phone up to your computer via USB,

Second step is to open up File explorer and select Windows phone > Phone > Music > Purchases

The Third step is to open up another file explorer side by side of your one opened in the second step

Fourth step is now to find where your music is stored on the file explorer that was opened in step 2 that you want to move over to your windows 10 phone. Once you find the music folder or just mp3 files, click and drag/copy over to the Windows phone > Phone > Music > Purchases and either place them with the artist you want or create a new folder for your music

Fifth step is go back into your phone and open up file explorer and verify the files transferred over to the file location in which you saved them previously and you can select them and play them from there. Or you can go into the Groove music application and play the song you added or were unable to play in the first place.

An example of when you would do this is when I had my Music on a Lumia 1520 in which I had music from a galaxy nexus device that I moved over to the 1520. The music played fine on the 1520 because I moved the files in the same manner directly to the phone. But than my company received a Lumia 830 from Microsoft to test out with the windows 10 mobile insider preview. From there I sync'd up my previous account information and of course my music. My music that I purchased from the music store worked fine but than all of a sudden when I was trying to play music I moved over from my galaxy nexus > Lumia 1520 > an sync'd to my Lumia 830 they would give me the error message as stated in the beginning of this thread. Me = "bummed out" because I thought initially it would sync and everything would be just fine :grin: But I did what the error said and downloaded the music directly to the phone and I am now able to play my music again. Any questions please ask.
I have put all of my cds on my OneDrive. They all playes perfectly on my win10 pc but on my Lumia 950 much of the songs can not be played "because the owner of the copyright" will not allow it".
How can Groow claim this ? I payed for my cds.
I would like to fix it by following the steps describet above. But I can not see my phone when it is connected to pc with usb.
How to fix ??
I?ve found out that it is because the music is in m4a format, and it seems like Groove will not play that format from the OneDrive.
I have reformated the music to wma and now Groove can see and play from OneDrive with no problem.

Still strange that m4a can not be played.

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