How to enable Cortana in the latest build


May 15, 2013
So you've gone and installed the latest build all excited to use the super duper personal assistant - Cortana. Only to find she is not supported in your region!
Step 1.jpg

Well fear not, you can enable Cortana and you don't need to have the US english iso installed either.

Step 1:

Go to the Region and Language settings

Step 2.jpg

Step 3

Change the region to US

Step 3.png

Step 4

Add English (United States) as a Language if you don't have it yet, if you do skip to the next step

Step 5:

Set English (United States) as primary

Step 4.png

And your done!

Step 5.png

Optional Steps

There is an language pack download available once you add English (US), which is downloading the background (I overwrote one of the screenshots by mistake.. oops :grincry:.

Click the "options" button next to "Set As Primary" and then download button.

Optional Step.png

Also you can change your global settings once you have enabled Cortana, however I cannot confirm if they do indeed change globally for example weather displayed by Cortana in Celsius as opposed to Fahrenheit. Simple because I haven't checked yet :grin:. .

To do so follow the steps below.

Step 1

Type in Region under search and open the "region setting", (I have reused the image in the interest of time).

Step 2.jpg

Optional Step 2.png

Step 2

Change the region in the format tab only to your preferred region, I repeat format tab only and leave everything else as is otherwise Cortana turns off and displays "not available in your region"

Optional Step 2 - Done.png

Confirm the region Change as shown in the optional section doesn't change anything as currency is displayed in dollars and Cortana displays the temperature in Fahrenheit not Celsius. Which is to be expected as this behaviour is similar to Windows Phone 8.1


  • Done.png
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Well, I'm in the U.S., and I think I accidentally disabled Cortana when she first popped up after the install. Now I can't get her to turn back on!
I guess you mean you get the loading icon where it keeps spinning?

Edit: I guess you've already tried Settings -> System -> Cortana & Search?

2nd Edit: there is another switch for Cortana under Privacy -> Speech, inking & typing.
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