How to enable Xbox Music Pass outside of the US

Double M

New member
Apr 13, 2013
I changed my region on my Xbox live account to US and I earned the 20 days trial on Xbox music pass.
But when I try to download an album from the Music Deals App it opens the Music App and nothing happens.

Can you help me to use Xbox Music!
Where does it take you in the music app? Does it take you to the album that you tapped? Once at the album, you tap the word "download" to the right of the album art to download the album. Or, if you just want to stream it, tap the play button on the album art, or tap the song you want to listen to, and it will stream.
Same is happening to me, so went to support and they answered: "I understand. The issue is not with your account, but with the Xbox Music itself. we just got a message yesterday that there is a temporary Xbox Music outage, which will be soon fixed."

Hope that fix soon (:

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