How to recovery registry from formatted disk? not recovery files


New member
Dec 19, 2014
I know how to recovery files, that is using software Ontrack EasyRecovery, Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery, iCare Format Recovery, etc

but i need to recovery an info that is in registry, from formatted disk

what software or how to do this?

*old os is windows xp, that i wanted to get an info in the registry
*new os now is windows 7 32 bit, but i am no using it again now, to recovery the disk in another computer
If you've written data to the disk, specifically loaded another OS, chances or recovery are slim. Windows writes all the info at the beginning of the disk, so it would be over written.

if you still have the disk and it is not written, and you can mount it in another computer you can try an undelete software to get the reg files. They are located at %SystemRoot%\System32\Config\
there are also .bak files that house the same info from the date stamp dates, from the last time a system state backup was done.

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