How to sort videos after hard reset


New member
Dec 7, 2013
I recently did a hard reset on my Lumia 920, and before doing so, backed up all the photos/videos onto a hard drive.
I am copying these back to the phone now, however, all the videos get pushed to the end of my camera roll and clump together.
I would like to view the photos/videos on the camera roll, separated out by date.

How to sort by date on the camera roll?

NOTE: I already tap the "Find photos and video shot with Nokia Camera" but nothing happened.
Does anyone does not encounter this kind of problem? I mean whenever we hard reset our phone and transferred back our backup up photos and videos, does anyone don't have problem sorting out the videos?
Hi Andrew,

I have always had this issue when restoring my phones and haven't found a way yet.
But I upgraded to Cyan yesterday and am determined to find some way to put them back in the camera roll or other folder and have them sorted by date.

I also found now that if I copy the photos from the onedrive app they gets resynced to onedrive with a new file name, so I get duplicate photos..
Andrew, it seems that in a while with the photo app open it arranges the photos after the date they where taken.
I copied some photos into the camera roll this morning and now, 8h later they are sorted.
Unfortunately the videos are yet to be sorted like you said. Still waiting..
Could you pls tell me how did you hard reset your phone? I need to do hard reset but afraid that it will be stuck at the spinning cogs and will need to flash the ROM using Nokia Software Recovery Tool....
Well, there is a slow and painful way to properly sort them... I just tried and it works:

  • You copy all your videos to your PC
  • You remove all the videos from your windows phone
  • For each video, you change the phone's date to match the video date and copy the video back to the phone

Note: I tried that with a Windows machine

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