How to Uninstall Windows 10?s Built-in Apps (and How to Reinstall Them)


New member
Oct 2, 2016
Hi I have seen some members asking about the Built-in Apps in W10. Here's a great link I have found that will uninstall those Apps; if you can't get rid of them the old fashion way. (Right click and uninstall :wink:) Please move or delete this thread if it's found not to be appropriate. I'm always trying to make a good hand here on the forum, and pass forward things I have learned about W10.:wink:
the easiest way possible will be to use control panel add/remove program or ccleaner. I have used them personally to remove adwares that come along with windows 10 upgrade. Howtogeek just made this look more complicated ;D
the easiest way possible will be to use control panel add/remove program or ccleaner. I have used them personally to remove adwares that come along with windows 10 upgrade. Howtogeek just made this look more complicated ;D
Hi ! My post is talking about the Apps W10 installs!
Windows 10 includes a variety of universal apps, and there’s no easy way to hide them from the “All Apps” view in the new Start menu. You can uninstall them, but Microsoft doesn’t allow you to easily uninstall them in the usual way.

yes i understood that , and i meant ( in my last post ) that those universal apps can be removed either from control panel or from start menu or using ccleaner. :)

As the hardware on my PC is fairly old or call it ancient i usually dont use any UWP app, and to my surprise windows 10 upgrade brought in many UWP apps like sms , people , alarms , news , sports etc etc.... It didn't take long for me to realize that Microsoft has also made it fairly easy to remove these apps, which i figured out could be done from either of the above mentioned tools.
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Hi! Please read this. I know how to uninstall programs!
Some apps allow you to uninstall them in the normal way. Just right-click an app in the All Apps list in the Start menu and select “Uninstall”. (On a touch screen, long-press the app instead of right-clicking.)

This trick appears to work for the included Get Office, Get Skype, Get Started, Microsoft Solitaire Collection, Money, News, Phone Companion, and Sports apps. You can also uninstall bloatware apps your PC manufacturer has installed using this trick. It even works for apps that are “automatically downloaded” by Windows 10, such as Candy Crush, FarmVille, TripAdvisor, Netflix, and Pandora. However, Microsoft’s other included Windows 10 apps can’t be removed in this way.

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