How to View Youtube Videos in Desktop Mode in Internet Explorer on WP8


May 15, 2013
I noticed that the people at google are upto their dirty tricks again. Screenshots below.

As you can see I am using internet explorer in desktop mode



Upon tapping the youtube video in the above screenshot this happens (I use Nokia Reading for my RSS)


Notice how the url changes from the above to one below in an instant (i guess just about 2 seconds)


As you can see the video does not load and you are redirected.


However removing "?app=desktop#/" and refreshing does load the video - see below





How petty can you get? lol...

The only service Google that most of us can not avoid unfortunately is youtube as pretty much everyone posts on there. This is seriously beyond a joke now, as people that are not technically proficient will think youtube is broken on WP and drop it for IOS or Android.

Why do I say that?

Because that is the reality so to prove this, I gave my phone to my siblings and they all complained it did not work via browser. When I told them it was Google's doing they looked at me as If I was mad and said WP was ****e - even after showing them it worked if you removed ""?app=desktop#/" since it worked flawlessly on their iphones.

We all need to start a movement and get people to start posting to other services as well, with a slow transition away from youtube as it is not going to kick off over night. Anyway rant over, I've downloaded the dailymotion app and will try that out for awhile.
Its called browser agent, Google just redirects you to their HTML5 mobile site. I don't see anything wrong it it since it has been designed for mobile sites and supposed to work universally on most modern mobile browsers not supporting flash.
I just went to youtube on my 820 in desktop mode in IE10 and vids play fine. Are you sure it wasn't just a temporary glitch they have now corrected?
My point is youtube loaded fine, with desktop mode. There was no redirect before. Which is enough to convince people who are not tech savy that youtube is broken on windows phone. Also the redirect is pointless as if you take the mentioned characters and the page loads fine. If the redirect was necessary it would have redirected again therefore an endless loop.

Also to clarify the redirect kicks in if you tap on youtube video on a website or inside an app like Nokia reading. Whereas before it would just load the video full screen.
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I really don't understand what you mean. I go to Youtube in IE10 on WP8 in desktop mode and I am not redirected anywhere. I click on a video to play, and it plays fine. No redirection anywhere. If the problem is this tough to locate it is not going to bother the average user.
I couldn't find a convenient vid in Nokia Reading, but I tried a Youtube vid through the Steam web site and it worked fine. I still can't see this problem. Looks like it doesn't affect everyone. I'd start considering your ISP as a factor in this.
Mine loads directly to desktop mode. You might have a session causing that. If you clear your cache/history it might fix it.
That is really odd, it was doing that constantly for the past couple of days. If i was outside using data or wi fi at work, friends etc.

I just went to the wpcentral website whilst in desktop mode and tapped on the 41x41 youtube video and oddly enough it loaded as into full screen. Using wi fi at home at the moment.

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