Y ytown4#WP New member Nov 12, 2010 1 0 0 Nov 12, 2010 #1 Does anyone know how you can turn off the vibrate when you hit the capacitive buttons on the bottom? Thanks
Does anyone know how you can turn off the vibrate when you hit the capacitive buttons on the bottom? Thanks
P PeterAndTeresa New member Nov 16, 2010 1 0 0 Nov 16, 2010 #2 +1 with undue enthusiasm I don't know why but it's driving me bonkers. My wife asked the same think about 2 minutes after picking hers up for the first time. It's not growing on me about a week into it.
+1 with undue enthusiasm I don't know why but it's driving me bonkers. My wife asked the same think about 2 minutes after picking hers up for the first time. It's not growing on me about a week into it.
A acousticpoem New member Nov 15, 2012 56 0 0 Nov 25, 2012 #3 Re: +1 with undue enthusiasm Anyone know anything about this. I really want to turn this off. I liked the 710 as it was a physical button.
Re: +1 with undue enthusiasm Anyone know anything about this. I really want to turn this off. I liked the 710 as it was a physical button.