HTC found fix for WIFI lock screen time-out?

Why would they need a fix? Its deliberate behaviour from Microsoft. No fix is required, an enhancement from Microsoft is required.
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Maybe its not "broken" but using WiFi instead of data for push notifications etc would be great. Plus not every player works with WiFi when the screen is off. I know that I downloaded a map for my Lumia on WiFi and left the phone only to return to an SMS about my fast wireless network budget being used up.
Yeah I know about the app and it's not on wp8. Lets just leave it at this: I think there are a lot of users that want this at an OS level. I don't care if it's HTC or Microsoft that implements the feature though I think the matter is preferable so we all get it. Seeing pictures that suggest there is something in the works is good sign.
I agree. Downloading games, apps, maps and music when you get the new phone (over WI-FI) then leaving them to install as phone locks itself, ate up my allowance last month. I only had a few days before it was reset, but still.

Also, on WP7 you could stop the screen from timing out. Now the maximum is 5 mins!

I would like a toggle setting. If I need wifi to stay on during a specific task, then let me choose to.
You can download mAloud (an internet text to speech app), which has an option to permanently halt screen timeout. Pros- 1. Can read entire webpages with just one prompt (click play). This is great for TTS for reading emails in the car, etc. 2. Can keep wifi active for downloads in the background. 3. Has multiple voice options. 4. Only costs a dollar or two. Cons- 1. Costs a dollar or two. Will not keep phone awake while running in the background. 2. TTS does not continue to play after screen times out. 3. App will not run in the background. 4. Not the smoothest TTS I've ever used. 5. Only works while using a web browser.

Note* scroll to the left from the home screen to find the option to stop screen from timing out.

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