HTC is just as good, if not better!


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Okay... I was at the microsoft event last night and got to play with the Radar 4G, Titan, Focus S and Flash Flash... After typing on the Titan and Radar, I feel HTC has definitely stepped their game up in regards to screen accuracy and responsiveness. Almost seemed like I was typing just as fast as my 4S.

The Titan's body felt more solid in hand than the Focus S and in all honesty, they are both great devices. The Titan did feel a little on the big side, but everything else about it was remarkable. If AT&T had the Titan out now, it would be a very difficult decision.

The camera on the Titan is highly improved from normal craptastic cameras they normally have... and not it's not the "MPs" as it does not play a roll, but the actually optics they use.

It felt heavy, but not a bad kind of heavy... more like a solid heavy.

It felt quicker than the Focus and it's not the .1Ghz more that it has... just felt quicker going through the menus and such.

As long as HTC's hardware holds up, they'll definitely get my business again. May not be the Titan or Radar, but at least I won't have the "no more HTC" mentality again.
WMPower user reported that the Titans camera beats out Nokia Lumnia and the iPhone 4S. It would seem like HTC has the best WP7 device out.
my HTC Arrive is my first HTC, and I'm pretty impressed with it, I'd certainly buy another HTC based on this
How about screen comparisons? I am particular interested in blacks. With this earplug fiasco (fiasco in my world at least) on the focus s, I'm thinking of exchanging it for the Titan on the 20th.

Also, concerning the quicker comment, were the phones hooked up to their micro usb cables? I know the focus s has a problem with slowdowns when charging (at least mine does).
S-LCD is a *VA tech panel. Blacks are good. Ghosting is semi present, though that may be just my perception (used to 120Hz panels on desktop).
Yup. I just may get the Titan on the 20th. I still don't know yet. Lol.

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