HTC One will BE the Samsung Galaxy of Windows Phone


New member
Dec 16, 2012
This is a BOLD PREDICTION. Don't flame me, you may agree and disagree, but respect my thoughts please.

Now that Nokia branding is gone, many people are either dismayed, or even saddened that Nokia will no longer be the face of Lumia. Some rumours suggests that Nokia is finally going to make Android phones. Many Nokia loyal fans are going to buy a different phone because the only reason they buy Lumia, is because it is branded by Nokia.

But why is Lumia such a doom? Why is Lumia struggling in the high-end market? Simple, the problem is the Brand name itself.

Lumia is such a cringeworthy brand name. I CRINGE everytime I have to either say, or hear Lumia in public just because it sounds so... clumsy... sounds so.... girly... awkward... it is just a terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE brand name.

When people pull out and say "I have a Galaxy S4", it sounds bad ***, it's a very good brand name. It sounds like Transformers, or Avengers.

In fact, iPhone is revolutionary, and genius. From the get-go, iPhone is something that will be trademarked, because it's such an ingenious brand. It's the same reason why people flock to the "i" products every single time. No matter how bad their phones are, it's the brand that sells.

No matter how many megapixels, 41, 100, 20000, many people will not buy it because Lumia is such a terrible brand name.

Now, HTC One brand name sounds very whole. It is very universal and not only is an amazing phone, the design is also captivating. When I hear of the HTC One brand, I feel very fulfilled, I feel whole, I feel elegant. It's such a great brand name.

People don't realize that after the logo, it's the BRAND NAME that sells the product. That's basic marketing. Microsoft already have a logo that many people don't like because they think MS is not cool anymore, and they further release products after another products that don't do so well because they branding is terrible. Surface is a hit and miss, but now it's starting to be cool! I want a Surface because it's such a good brand name, but I don't think I'll ever buy another Lumia because it's just.. ugh..

HTC One can symbolize the unity of Windows Core. One OS for everything. So if HTC is reading this, they should really step up their game, and become the KING of Windows Phone.

Firstly, they need to make it available in Canada so I can upgrade, and throw away this old and rusty 920.

So you read it here first, I predict that HTC One will BE the King and Saviour of Windows Phone!
Problem is, it hasn't been released internationally while the Lumias always get international releases as soon as possible (save for the 930 debacle).
I know this is your opinion, and I understand but I want to say something... Now, this is my opinion.

First: People don't buy Lumia NOT because Lumia is a terrible brand name. You ask me why? None of my friends or acquaintances has ever told me that "Lumia" sounds girly or whatever. Ever heard of Sony Xperia? Doesn't it sound girly to you too? And it's popular, isn't it? The thing is, many of them DON'T EVEN KNOW what "Lumia" is. And why people don't buy Lumia? Tech savvies don't buy it because it's Windows Phone, average customers don't buy it because it doesn't have icons and people who don't know anything about phone say: "What's a Lumia?". That's what I know.

Second, who buys a Galaxy because it sounds bad**s? None of those I know does. They buy it, because it is an Android, because it's a Samsung, it's popular, it's a trend.

Third, iPhone WAS revolutionary, long ago. Not now, not any longer. And again, most of those iPhone users don't buy an iPhone because it's ingenious, revolutionary, or whatever. They buy them, because... it's an iPhone. A luxury accessory, no more. I'm not generalizing iPhone users, I know there are true iPhone fans, but the fact is, as I said, most people buy an iPhone because "Hey, it's an iPhone!".

After all, whatever the brand is, it just doesn't matter, people just don't care. They buy what's popular. And Windows Phone isn't that popular. And... I predict that HTC One will NEVER be a king or savior of any kinds of Windows Phone.

About me? I own a pair of Lumia's and I'm damn proud of it. Whenever somebody asks, I can always proudly say: "It's a Lumia".
Your opinion. In my opinion, HTC is less desirable than Lumia, a brand that is associated with Nokia who are known for quality. Plus the cold reality is HTC continues to show their lack of support for WP, as recently as their newly announced eye which they have stated will not be coming to their own M8 for Windows. That is not the kind of company you want to be the face of any platform.
Lol... I feel so proud to spout out the name Lumia.

Sorry but I honestly can't see how Galaxy is cooler than Lumia (the name). Lumia is so futuristic, whereas the galaxy is like... well, the galaxy. HTC's even worse, One. Really? One? One is okay for the first one (no. One). But One M7 and One M8?

One's successor is One. What... nonsense...

What's next? M9? Or maybe M10 then. (Referring to Windows 9 skip lol)
"Lumia" is a very nice name, OP. I know it translates to "Snow" but I always pictured it relating to "Lumin" aka Light.
As in: Come towards the light. :p
This has been debated a few different times.

Considering HTC is about to change the branding on their devices again, I doubt the One will live on too long. But I do hope HTC comes out with a simple brand that will translate to a great line of devices.
Lol... I feel so proud to spout out the name Lumia.

Sorry but I honestly can't see how Galaxy is cooler than Lumia (the name). Lumia is so futuristic, whereas the galaxy is like... well, the galaxy. HTC's even worse, One. Really? One? One is okay for the first one (no. One). But One M7 and One M8?

One's successor is One. What... nonsense...

What's next? M9? Or maybe M10 then. (Referring to Windows 9 skip lol)
The meaning of Lumia is often unclear, since it can be taken as either "light" or "snow," though.

But, yeah, it is cool.
I literally just woke my roommate up for laughing so loud at this title and the OP

First of all, when I came to Windows Phone, I had an HTC phone(the 8x). A lovely little phone and very attractive. HTC does make some good looking phones.

Immediately after getting it, I notice that the 8x had literally nothing special about it like Lumias. So I eventually moved over to Lumia and been team lumia since Windows phone 8(and briefly Windows phone 7 with the lumia 710 but that was all of a few days while I needed a replacement phone).

I didn't get it because of Lumia or Nokia....Microsoft can call this phone Surface. ****. ****. Crap. And i'll still buy it. I couldn't care less about the name and MOST Lumia owners don't either.

What made us buy a Windows Phone by Nokia was not the name but the reputation Nokia has with Windows Phone. The Support of the OS. the Exclusive apps. The exclusive features.

And let's not forget, the TOP OF THE LINE cameras on any smartphone(though Sony is a close second).

When HTC can
- Properly Support the Platform
-Update their entire line-up within a consistent amount of time(The fact that their 8x line likely sold less than 500K phones in 2 years and they haven't been able to update it)
-Bring something diverse to the platform like Nokia did with the 1020 and later the 1520
-Earn the respect of clients

Then and only then can I say they have a chance. Things like front facing speakers are cool but look at the iPhone and Galaxy S5. Nobody cares enough about it for it to be memorable. At least Nokia's cameras are usually held up to standards that even Apple and Samsung and Sony are trying to rival and Motorola.

HTC will be what it always has been these last few years. At best, 2nd best(and actually in Android, it's not even that).

HTC is a good alternative, I guess, for some. Personally, I am recommending Samsung over HTC nowadays and I may even give the ATIV a try if they come out with another one simply because Samsung does at least support it kind of and they are moving faster with Windows Phone 8.1 for their customers than HTC has and Samsung has sold far more ativs than 8x.

The only people switching from Nokia to HTC are those impatient to wait for the next high end Lumia. But at the rate HTC is going, they'll never be the galaxy.

I'd probably leave the platform entirely if HTC became the de facto standard(reusing Android designs) of windows phone.
You recommend Samsung over HTC?

Samsung who only dropped handsets to appease a licensing agreement? Samsung who has the same, if not worse update woes? Samsung, who reuses handsets for Windows Phone, just like HTC, which you said you dislike?

That is funny. Someone is just hating on a company and not their products.
You recommend Samsung over HTC?

Samsung who only dropped handsets to appease a licensing agreement? Samsung who has the same, if not worse update woes? Samsung, who reuses handsets for Windows Phone, just like HTC, which you said you dislike?

That is funny. Someone is just hating on a company and not their products.

Actually the Ativ S, Neo and the SE are relatively unique. While sharing similarities with the Galaxy Line, they are not 100 percent carbon copies that they announced in March was it and then released the same phone five months later which seems like an after thought to me(Which is exactly what HTC has done) only to undercut that by offering the new Desire Eye android phone with no mention of a variation coming to windows phone(we'll check back in about 5 months after that phone is released).

If on ATT? Heck no, I'd recommend a Lumia of course lol.

But for those on Verzion, I am pushing my friend's over the Icon and if they can't get an Icon, the SE. I respect Samsung enough to know they do update their phones. They may be having some drama going on with Microsoft and I hate the fact their products to me feel cheap and crappy and overrated but they have been consistently sticking with the platform enough since WP7 and Wp8 with no noticeable gaps.

You and your fellow M8 users love to try to fault Nokia because they were "paid" by Microsoft with releasing Lumias and Samsung because of licensing agreement. I personally don't care WHY they made the phones. Fact is, Samsung still sells more Windows Phones than HTC does without even acknowledging their phones.

Samsung has also begun updating a 2 year old phone(Ativ)...While HTC has been making excuses, blaming Microsoft, Carriers, etc etc about this update. How many times has it been delayed so far for the HTC 8X?

I am not "hating" on a company. If I was hating on a company, I'd admit that I flat out hate Google as a whole and it sickens me having to use youtube.

However, I am critical of a company who I know is capable of doing more than releasing android phones 5 months later as new windows phone and then barely acknowledging them and bringing cool things like the desire eye to Android and yet nothing to Windows Phone.

Do I want Lumia to be #1? Of course...However, I respect any company who manages to make a good product that doesn't feel like "Well we have unused inventory and haven't released a windows phone in 2 years, so let's throw it on M8."

Samsung has done far better with Windows Phone(not saying much) than HTC has.

If this was Android, I'd probably own an M8. It's the best android phone. Then again, Sony has always been my favorite and they are the "lumia" of android with cameras but then again I'd probably still own an M8(I did own the M7) because at least HTC does care enough about Android to properly support it. Of course, we'll forget they only RECENTLY begun doing that. Let's not forget the HTC Pre- M7 aka before 2013.

HTC has always been slack about updates for their devices.

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