I am having major problems with Xbox One, Halo and Xbox Live. How do I stop getting an error message?


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Jun 5, 2013
I am having major problems with Xbox One, Halo and Xbox Live

Problem #1: I have a year gold subscription on live but whenever I go into multiplayer matchmaking, I get this message about 80% of the time: "Multiplayer not allowed until your privileges are checked, please try again". This is totally unacceptable from Microsoft. I paid for this crap and I don't get service. I don't even get to play the game.

Problem #2: Halo Master Chief collection will not even start the game. When I hit start, I get the countdown timer, and then it just sits there froze up. I've tried rebooting and that doesn't do it.

I think these issues are deal breakers for me, but I love Halo and I'm not about to go buy a PS4. I just wish Microsoft would get it together.
Re: I am having major problems with Xbox One, Halo and Xbox Live

Also, some levels on Halo 2 that I beat on Legendary it's not giving me credit for. I spent countless hours beating these maps on Halo 2 and for nothing. I don't know if it's not syncing the information or if it just didn't give me the Legendary emblem for it.
Re: I am having major problems with Xbox One, Halo and Xbox Live

You should probably try re-installing the game. I had that first problem myself, but it stopped with one of the patches.

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