i am using nokia lumia 730 moble to activate cortona

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WPCentral Question

to activate a cortona in lumia 730 in india
what is to be 1.region 2.language 3.speech 4.keyboard settings
In this way you can get Cortana’s alpha version working on your phone in India.

First of all, you need to have Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1, check your phone OS version from Settings > about > more information. You will need OS version 8.10.14141.167 or later. Try to get an update from Settings > phone update > check for updates if required.

Then, set your phone to the correct region, language and select English (UK) speech language:
◦Region - India,
◦Language- English (India)
◦Speech language - English (UK)

To do that, follow the steps below:
1.Select Settings > region, tap Country/Region, select India and tap restart phone if required.
2.Select Settings > language. If English (India) appears on the language settings screen, long tap on it and select move up. Or add a new language: Tap + add languages, select English (India), tap done and finally tap Yes to start downloading. This change requires restart, tap restart phone.
3.Select Settings > speech, tap Speech language and select English (United Kingdom). Tap Yes to start downloading and track its status from Settings > phone update. Once the speech package is downloaded, tap install and your phone will automatically restart.
4.Wait for your phone to install the update, during that you will see gears rotating on the screen for up to 10 minutes.
5.Once ready, a new screen stating that the update is completed. Tap done, and go to Settings > speech, tap Speech language and select English (United Kingdom).

When your phone is set to the correct region, language and speech language, go to Cortana by pressing the Search key. You will see two Cortana acknowledgement screens, where you will need to review the info and accept the conditions for using the Cortana alpha version.

I cannot enable Cortana alpha in India. How do I get it work? - Microsoft - India

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