I got banned from Engadget o_0


New member
Sep 8, 2011
On an article disusing US Cellular and how they had the option to get the iP4S but Apple was being too ridiculous, I commented and said "Proud of them. Apple is a pathetic company." Next time I tried to comment on Engadget it said I was banned from commenting.

LOL wow, if that doesn't prove their loyalty to Apple I don't know what does.
Dude, I saw that comment. I sort by Best Rating and yours was on top. Even gave you a vote, LOL! Sorry you got banned, but Engadget sucks anyways.

What do you think about The Verge? To be honest, I'm not a fan of the layout but the ex-Engadget crew can't be beat.

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Engadget was considered a Apple fanboys haven before the exodus. I'm having a hard time imaging that the Verge will be any less bias.
@Figure8: Perhaps, but both Verge and Engadget write highly about WP7.

Sent from my Samsung Focus using Board Express
I thought Engadget's coverage of WP7 was very good, and comprehensive. Every tech site is in love with Apple, the media worship is one of the reasons so many people have negative feelings about company and its fans.
Not sure I would say engadget or other sites are in love with apple for any more reason than it brings in the traffic. Anyone posting an article about the rumors of the ip5 in the weeks before the event were most likely doubling their traffic.

Would have to closely read their bylaws to see if trash talking is not allowed or something else.
Dude, I saw that comment. I sort by Best Rating and yours was on top. Even gave you a vote, LOL! Sorry you got banned, but Engadget sucks anyways.

What do you think about The Verge? To be honest, I'm not a fan of the layout but the ex-Engadget crew can't be beat.

Sent from my Samsung Focus using Board Express

Ha! It was a top rated comment? I never got to see it as it was deleted the first time I checked Disqus after I posted that. Also I think it's hilarious that you saw that comment and then read me saying how I got banned for it on here haha.

And I've never really checked out The Verge. I'm on there now and I do not like the layout of the site; however Engadget has highly peeved me off and I'll start checking there often.

I emailed the Engadget team questoning why I was banned from commenting for forever. I read the FAQs and one reason for getting banned was spamming (which basically meant advertising, etc.) and another was trolling over a period of time. I rarely comment on Engadget. In all the years I've been reading their articles (probably about 2) I've commented MAYBE ten times.

With bias like that by insanely popular tech sites I'm just not sure how anything non-Apple even has a chance in the future :/
We'll see how long this lasts:
I wonder if iGadget.com is available. If it is you should get it. If you didn't have a chance to load it up with apps and accounts, how can the phone's speed be properly reviewed? I'm guessing that if the Focus S had the ability to help someone live another 40 years, make them an instant billionaire and end world hunger it still wouldn't be as good as an iPhone.
I suspect you were banned because your post was too brief. If you'd explained in reasonable terms what your issues with Apple were, it'd probably have stayed. But make it look like ****** trolling, you're going to get bounced.

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