I want this phone.


New member
Jul 14, 2011
The more I look at it the more I like it. I haven't held one or played with it yet. (My wife says I don't need a new phone). But either way this one makes me wish I hadn't got the HD7 a few months ago!

Sent from my HD7 using Board Express
That's what my wife always says. :D
lol well if I do convince her to let me she won't let me unless she gets one too. And I don't have over 800 bucks to spend on phones right now. Stupid money not growing on trees and all.

Sent from my HD7 using Board Express
I have the Samsung Focus S, which is the phone that was 'highly anticipated'. Well, after using this phone for over 48 hours, I am seriously considering the Radar. I am a concerned that the Radar does not have the same souped up hardware of the Focus S, but it certainly seems have to have better build quality.
I have the Samsung Focus S, which is the phone that was 'highly anticipated'. Well, after using this phone for over 48 hours, I am seriously considering the Radar. I am a concerned that the Radar does not have the same souped up hardware of the Focus S, but it certainly seems have to have better build quality.
I understand where you're coming from with that too. I'm just not willing to pay ATT's prices (or security deposit for that matter) for a phone they won't push. I hear lots of stories about phones not being pushed from any retailer, but the T-Mobile one here was very willing to show us the phone and everything when we went in to get our HD7's.
Finally got to play around with the Radar for a little bit today. The sales rep at T-Mobile even talked about how she wanted it too but couldn't afford the upgrade yet. The screen difference between that and my HD7 is ridiculous. It was very responsive.

They had it set up with a fake account. There were picture messages and texts in there. Emails. There was a couple of "contacts" pinned to the home screen. Those live tiles were flipping and it was AWESOME. My wife sat there over my shoulder the whole time though saying "You don't need one. Why don't you just wait? You know in a couple months they'll come out with something new and you'll want that too." and so on and so forth lol. Needless to say, I was very impressed with it.
I got my Radar yesterday and I have to say it is really fun and amazing. I only had trouble setting up my contacts and forgot you could make groups. Anyways this is my first windows phone and it does take time getting used too but after about about a few hours of playing with it, im starting to love it!
That's awesome! However, if you decide you don't like it I will gladly trade you my HD7 ;)

Sent from my HD7 using Board Express
I got a question about the Radar, I saw a hands on and is really pretty in person. (at least the white one) My question is, how is the screen? are the blacks good?
Ya know, I didn't even think to check the blacks on it. I was just too busy playing with it and was really impressed by such a small phone. I would still buy it either way, but my wife said no :(
@Winterfang. Blacks are awesome. HTC have done a great job with their SLCD and it compares really well against SAMOLED. I actually prefer it to SAMOLED on my Omnia 7. The blacks aren't as black but they are definitely black enough. The problem with SAMOLED the whites are just not white. They are light blue so to me the SLCD is better. In general I just think the colours on the radar look more natural then the high contrast SAmoled screens.
I have nothing but good things to say about the Radar and how T-Mobile handles WP7. I agree with drg as well - I actually like the colors on a non-SAMOLED better. The blacks look a lot better in my opinion.

Good luck 5tephen, the Radar is a great device!
I think HTC has made a great phone. Having said that, after a few weeks of playing with mine I realize I really need to go back to BB. If anyone is interested in a deal let me know.

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