I went from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, back to Windows 8.1 FREEZING, what should I do?

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Windows Central Question

I went from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, back to Windows 8.1 FREEZING

I recently decided to get Windows 10 since my software kept sending my notifications on how I should get it and blah blah blah. I got it, and it took a while to get upgraded; which was understandable. For the first few hours it was great. I haven't even had Windows 10 for an entire 24 hours yet because I'm so infuriated. I'm a student taking online classes, these classes are super important to me because they're college leveled and I'm only 15 years old. I usually listen to music while doing my classes, with Windows 10, it would glitch and something would be wrong with my audiojack.

You just unplugged a device from the audio jack
You just plugged a device into the audio jack

The thing is, I wouldn't even be touching my earphones and it would say that. I first looked into it and thought it could be my drivers but it says they're all up to date. People say its because Windows 10 is technically 'still in the making' but people had had these issues for many months. I decided to go back to Windows 8.1 and it was fine for a little while, then it started glitching on my music, and my mouse+screen would freeze, etc. I'm so irritated, because I seriously hope this didn't damage my computer. PLEASE HELP !

WIndows 8.1
Dell Inspiron 15
5000 series

Zachary Boddy

Staff member
Aug 3, 2014
Re: I went from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, back to Windows 8.1 FREEZING

It could be as simple as a hardware issue. It happens sometimes.
People are always quick to blame software and yeah usually that's the case but you can't forget that hardware can break too.

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